我是 jQuery 的新手。我已经编写了一个代码来将一个表中的产品添加到另一个表中,像这样动态检查FIDDLE
现在我通过使用 ajax 动态生成此产品列表(表 2)来操作此代码,现在此代码对我不起作用..
当我想到这个缺陷时,我认为我的所有 CSS 和 JS 脚本都随着页面的加载而加载,但是这个复选框(表 2)动态加载,这就是为什么 JS 没有娱乐这个......
那么如何在动态加载的输入字段上触发事件函数......只希望这个脚本得到改进: JQUERY 1.6.4
<div class="_25">
<?php echo form_dropdown('class', $dropdown_class,'','id="clas"'); ?>
<div class="_25">
<?php echo form_dropdown('section',$dropdown_section); ?>
<table class="table" border="1">
<th>Monthly Charge</th>
<tbody id="selectedServices"></tbody>
<td id="total">1500</td>
<!-- product list (will generate dynmiclly)like tble 2 in fiddle -->
<table id="abcd" class="table" border="1">
<th>Monthly Charge</th>
<tbody id="name_sec">
<!-- here your dat will appear as per selection of class ajax check the below function and related controller mthod
the value will come with chk box for selection ad prepering the data-->
<script language="javascript">
jQuery(function ($) {
$("#clas").change(function() {
var send_data=$("#clas").val();
$(":checkbox").change(function () {
// Toggle class of selected row
// Get all items name, sum total amount
var sum = 1500;
var arr = $("#abcd :checkbox:checked").map(function () {
sum += Number($(this).parents('tr').find('td:last').text());
return $(this).parents('tr').clone();
// Display selected items and their sum
$('#selectedServices :checkbox').change(function() {
$('#selectedServices :checkbox:unchecked').parents('tr').remove();
public function show_additional_fee_chkbox_select()
//here goes ur process to display list of extra/additional fee
$sql2="SELECT * FROM fee_additional_fee where class=?";
$query2 = $this->db->query($sql2,$class);
foreach ($query2->result_array() as $row2) {
<input type="checkbox" id="selectedServices" class="checkBoxClass" name="additional_fee_code[]" value="'.$row2['id'].'"> Select</input>
</tr> ';
// here again plz take input in arry ----additional_fee_code will work for next method (cal_total_extra_fee())
echo $extra_fee_list;