document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script").src = "http://example.com/addThisJSFile.js");
这个 tampermonkey 脚本可以用域中的自定义文件替换网页上的任何 JS 文件:
// ==UserScript==
// @name ReplaceJS
// @namespace http://example.com/
// @version 1.0.0
// @description Replace javascript files on any webpage!
// @author Mr.Sonic Master
// @match *
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
var newJSFile = "http://example.com/newJSFile.js"; //The JS file to load in replacment od old JS file
var oldJSFile = "oldJSFile.replaceThis.js"; //The old JS file as it is named in inspect element (make sure its spelled EXACTLY the same)
var pattern = new RegExp(oldJSFile, "i"); //Create the RegExp pattern with the /i switch to make it case-insensitive
function injectScript(originalPage) { //Function injectScript replaces the file
console.log('Replace stage 2: Replace text matching', oldJSFile, 'with', newJSFile);
var moddedPage = originalPage.replace(pattern, newJSFile); //Modify the HTML code that we got, replacing the old JS file with the new one
console.log('Replace stage 3: Write new HTML to page...');
document.write(moddedPage); //Write to the page the new HTML code
setTimeout(function() { //Wait a bit for the page's HTML to load...
console.log('Replace stage 1: target HTML');
injectScript(document.documentElement.outerHTML); //Run function injectScript with the page's HTML as oldPage in the function
}, 1111);