ReactJS 中的导出(默认)类

IT技术 javascript syntax reactjs ecmascript-6
2021-03-24 11:32:02


import React, {Component} from 'react'

export default class Header extends Component {


export const Header = React.createClass({


export default React.createClass({





嗨,欢迎来到 React!

我认为您在这里遇到的部分问题并不是真正特定于 React 的,而是与新的 ES2015 module语法有关。在创建 React 类组件时,对于大多数意图和目的,您可以将其React.createClass视为在功能上等同于class MyComponent extends React.Component. 一种是使用新的 ES2015 类语法,而另一种是使用 ES2015 之前的语法。

为了学习module,我建议阅读一些关于新module语法的文章以熟悉它。这是一个很好的开始:http : //


 * This is how you import stuff.  In this case you're actually 
 * importing two things:  React itself and just the "Component" 
 * part from React.  Importing the "Component" part by itself makes it
 * so that you can do something like:
 * class MyComponent extends Component ...
 * instead of...
 * class MyComponent extends React.Component
 * Also note the comma below
import React, {Component} from 'react';

 * This is a "default" export.  That means when you import 
 * this module you can do so without needing a specific module
 * name or brackets, e.g.
 * import Header from './header';
 * instead of...
 * import { Header } from './header';
export default class Header extends Component {


 * This is a named export.  That means you must explicitly
 * import "Header" when importing this module, e.g.
 * import { Header } from './header';
 * instead of...
 * import Header from './header';
export const Header = React.createClass({


 * This is another "default" export, only just with a 
 * little more shorthand syntax.  It'd be functionally 
 * equivalent to doing:
 * const MyClass = React.createClass({ ... });
 * export default MyClass;
export default React.createClass({

2021-06-13 11:32:02