如果两个平均值之间的差异小于特定值,可以进行配对(或两组)t 检验吗?

机器算法验证 t检验 配对数据
2022-03-23 14:35:30

在 t 检验(成对或独立)中,我们测试差异是否为 0(或其他值)。我想知道是否可以测试差异是否小于 x


当然,你可以这样做。您不必针对零假设进行检验0(有时称为“nil null”);您可以针对任何值进行测试。您也不必进行双尾测试;您可以执行单尾测试(当先验指定时)。配对t-测试是:


这是一个简单的例子(编码在 中R):

set.seed(2786)                     # this makes the example exactly reproducible
x1 = rnorm(20, mean=3, sd=5)       # I'm generating data from a normal distribution
x2 = x1 - rnorm(20, mean=0, sd=1)  # the true difference is 0
## this is a paired t-test of whether the difference is <1:
t.test(x1, x2, mu=1, alternative="less", paired=TRUE)
#  Paired t-test
# data:  x1 and x2
# t = -7.5783, df = 19, p-value = 1.855e-07
# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is less than 1
# 95 percent confidence interval:
#         -Inf -0.02484498
# sample estimates:
# mean of the differences 
#              -0.3278085