我正在尝试使用联合类型作为 React 组件的props
type Props =
| {
type: "string"
value: string
| {
type: "number"
value: number
| {
type: "none"
class DynamicProps extends React.Component<Props> {
render() {
return null
// Ok
const string_jsx = <DynamicProps type="string" value="hello" />
// Error as expected, value should be a string
const string_jsx_bad = <DynamicProps type="string" value={5} />
// Ok
const number_jsx = <DynamicProps type="number" value={5} />
// Error as expcted value should be a number
const number_jsx_bad = <DynamicProps type="number" value="hello" />
// Error as expected, invalid isn't a property on any of the unioned types
const extra = <DynamicProps type="string" value="extra" invalid="what" />
// No error? There should be no value when type="none"
const none_jsx = <DynamicProps type="none" value="This should be an error?" />
// Ok, seems like value has become optional
const none2_jsx = <DynamicProps type="none" />
// Error as expected, value is not present. Value doesn't seem to be made optional all the time
const required = <DynamicProps type="string" />