过滤嵌套的 JSON 对象

IT技术 reactjs nested-loops
2022-07-16 08:31:51

I have a search bar where you type employee name and it should return the name based on a filter. I have a nested JSON object (as shown below) where I need to drill into the object to access the employee's names in the array.

You can see the multiple options I tried to implement (they are commented out) My problem is the code is not filtering the names and returning all the names not the names searched for. I get this error TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined

The following code works to access the employee names in another component:

{test.map((result) => (result.details.map((innerArr) => 

how can I implement the above in the below code

      const SearchByEmpComp = () => {
      const [company, setCompany] = useState([
      "company": "HIJ",
      "_id": "610aeaec618ac5902c466541",
              "employee": "Lesley Peden",
              "notes": "Lesley's note",
              "_id": "610aeaec618ac5902c466542"
              "employee": "Wayne Smith",
              "notes": "Wayne's note",
              "_id": "610aeaec618ac5902c466543"
     "company": "ABC",
     "_id": "61003ff8e7684b709cf10da6",
             "employee": "David Barton",
             "notes": "some note!!",
             "_id": "610aebb2618ac5902c46654e"
  //below code does not work
  //attemp 1
      const test = company.filter((r) => 
      r.details.map((innerArr) => {
      return innerArr.employee.toLowerCase().includes
  //attemp 1
  //   const test = company.map((el) => {
  //   return {...element, detail: element.detail.filter((details) => 
  //   details.employee.toLowerCase().includes
  //   (searchField.toLowerCase()))}
  //   })

  //attemp 2      
  //   const test = company.filter((res) => {
  //   return res.details.map((innerArr) =>
  //   innerArr.employee.toLowerCase().includes
  //   (searchField.toLowerCase()));
  //  });

  //attemp 3
  //   const test = company.filter((comp) =>
  //   comp.details.employee.toLowerCase().includes(searchField.toLowerCase())
  //   );

  const deatils = () => {
    if (searchShow) 
      return <EmpDetailsByName test={test} />

return (
      placeholder="Type Customer Name Here"

code to render names

 const EmpDetailsByName = ({ test }) => {
  return (
  {test.map((result) => 
  (result.details.map((innerArr) => 
export default EmpDetailsByName;

除了 Werlious 的回答,如果您正在寻找仍被包括在内的公司,那么您可以按此处所示进行映射。第一个映射仍将返回已过滤掉所有员工的公司。第二个映射将过滤掉没有任何细节的公司。


const company = [
    company: "HIJ",
    _id: "610aeaec618ac5902c466541",
    details: [
        employee: "Lesley Peden",
        notes: "Lesley's note",
        _id: "610aeaec618ac5902c466542",
        employee: "Wayne Smith",
        notes: "Wayne's note",
        _id: "610aeaec618ac5902c466543",
    company: "ABC",
    _id: "61003ff8e7684b709cf10da6",
    details: [
        employee: "Lesley Peden",
        notes: "some note!!",
        _id: "610aebb2618ac5902c46654e",
const searchField = "les";
//attemp 1
const test = company.map((element) => {
  return {
    details: element.details.filter((details) =>
console.log("test", test);

const test2 = company
  .map((company) => {
    let details = company.details.filter((detail) =>
    if (!details.length) {
      return null;
    return { ...company, details };

console.log("test2", test2);

// Modern browser version of filtering to only the employees :)
const test3 = company.flatMap((company) =>
  company.details.filter((detail) =>
console.log("test3", test3);

我举了一个例子,说明如何使用输入文本过滤 json

示例过滤器 Json



employeeArray = [
    company: "HIJ",
    _id: "610aeaec618ac5902c466541",
    details: [
        employee: "Lesley Peden",
        notes: "Lesley's note",
        _id: "610aeaec618ac5902c466542",
        employee: "Wayne Smith",
        notes: "Wayne's note",
        _id: "610aeaec618ac5902c466543",
    company: "ABC",
    _id: "61003ff8e7684b709cf10da6",
    details: [
        employee: "David Barton",
        notes: "some note!!",
        _id: "610aebb2618ac5902c46654e",

// Set the state of the search string using state
let searchUser = "Les";

// converting the search string to regex
let convertedName = new RegExp(`.*${searchUser}.*`);

searchResults = employeeArray
  .map((element) => {
    return {
      details: element.details.filter((employee) => {
        // Filtering based on the Regex
        return convertedName.test(employee.employee);
  //   filtering based on the length of the data array length
  .filter((element) => element.details.length > 0);



  • 我们首先获取用户输入,然后将它们转换为正则表达式,这样我们就可以得到名称的所有推荐。
  • 过滤器,所以对于Array.map,我们首先将高级映射直接应用于数组,然后我们关注内部细节数组并为此应用过滤器,并且我已经根据数据的存在返回一个布尔值,
  • 所以我们要做的是 MAP-> [OBJECTS -> [FILTER[DETAILS]]],所以,现在我们过滤每个 JSON 中的每个细节数组,然后我们根据细节数组的长度过滤它们所以,我们终于得到了完整的对象。结果将如预期的那样。


  company: 'HIJ',
  _id: '610aeaec618ac5902c466541',
  details: [
      employee: 'Lesley Peden',
      notes: "Lesley's note",
      _id: '610aeaec618ac5902c466542'



function SearchJsonForName(json,name) {
    let result = []
    for(company of json) {
        for(employee of company.details) {
            if(employee.name.match(name)) result.push(employee.name);  
    return result



function FilterByName(json,name) {
    return json.map(company => {
        let result = company.details.filter(employee => 
        return result.length > 0 ? {...company,details:result} : false;
    }).filter(good => good);