propTypes: {
optionalArray: React.PropTypes.array,
optionalBool: React.PropTypes.bool,
这是从阅读可重用组件:https : //facebook.github.io/react/docs/reusable-components.html
var MemoryForm = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
memory: React.PropTypes.shape({
memoryID: React.PropTypes.number,
content: React.PropTypes.string,
date: React.PropTypes.object,
dateStr: React.PropTypes.string,
note: React.PropTypes.string
var MemoriesArea = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
// The initial memory to fill the memory form with.
formMemory: React.PropTypes.shape({ // <== shape used again
memoryID: React.PropTypes.number,
content: React.PropTypes.string,
date: React.PropTypes.object,
dateStr: React.PropTypes.string,
note: React.PropTypes.string
// ...
var Playground = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
var initVars = {
// The initial memory to fill the memory form with.
formMemory: { // <== shape is used again.
memoryID: 0,
content: "",
date: null,
dateStr: "",
note: ""
return initVars;
在这里,我在各种类的props类型以及一些初始化中非常频繁地使用“记忆”形状。怎样才能让它更 DRY——即,更少的代码重复,以便将来对这个对象形状的更改更易于维护?