如何使用 Typescript 扩展 Material-UI 组件的props?

IT技术 reactjs typescript material-ui
2021-05-05 15:23:45

我想使用typescript从 Material-UI 扩展 Button 组件的props,以便能够将其他props传递给它的孩子。

import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Button } from 'material-ui';


  // NavLink props that needs to be added to typescript declarations

我尝试在 ./app/types/material_ui.d.ts 中添加以下声明:

declare module 'material-ui' {
  interface Button {
    activeClassName?: any;
    exact?: boolean;
    to?: string;

这会引发错误“TS2693:'Button' 仅指一种类型,但在此处用作值。”。


import * as React from 'react';

import { PropTypes, StyledComponent } from 'material-ui';
import { ButtonBaseProps } from 'material-ui/ButtonBase';

declare module 'material-ui' {
  export interface ButtonProps extends ButtonBaseProps {
    color?: PropTypes.Color | 'contrast';
    component?: React.ReactNode;
    dense?: boolean;
    disabled?: boolean;
    disableFocusRipple?: boolean;
    disableRipple?: boolean;
    fab?: boolean;
    href?: string;
    raised?: boolean;
    type?: string;

    activeClassName?: any;
    exact?: boolean;
    to?: string;

  export class Button extends StyledComponent<ButtonProps> { }

这会引发错误“TS2323:无法重新声明导出的变量 'Button'”。

我的 tsconfig.json 看起来像这样:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {      
      "history": ["./node_modules/@types/history/index"],
      "redux": ["./node_modules/@types/redux/index"],
      "react": ["./node_modules/@types/react/index"],
      "*": ["./app/types/*", "*"]

最后是 Material-UI 的原始类型定义:

import * as React from 'react';
import { StyledComponent, PropTypes } from '..';
import { ButtonBaseProps } from '../ButtonBase';

export interface ButtonProps extends ButtonBaseProps {
  color?: PropTypes.Color | 'contrast';
  component?: React.ReactNode;
  dense?: boolean;
  disabled?: boolean;
  disableFocusRipple?: boolean;
  disableRipple?: boolean;
  fab?: boolean;
  href?: string;
  raised?: boolean;
  type?: string;

export default class Button extends StyledComponent<ButtonProps> {}

我正在使用 material-ui 1.0.0-beta.8 和 react 15.6.1、react-router-dom 4.2.2 和 typescript 2.5.2。

import React, { FC } from 'react';

import { Button, ButtonProps } from '@material-ui/core';

interface IProps extends ButtonProps {} // your custom props

const ButtonHco: FC<IProps> = ({
}) => {
  return (
    <Button variant={variant} color={color} size={size} disabled={disabled}>

export default ButtonHco;


import { Button, StyledComponent } from 'material-ui';
import { ButtonProps } from 'material-ui/Button';

declare module 'material-ui' {
  export interface MyProps {

    exact?: boolean;
    to?: string;
  export class Button extends StyledComponent<ButtonProps & MyProps> {


我没有问题,"TS2693: 'Button' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.我也在使用 Typescript 2.5.2

这是扩展 Material UI 按钮的简约示例(未经测试)。扩展字段将简单地附加在按钮标签之后。

import * as React from 'react';
import { ButtonProps } from '@material-ui/core/Button';
import { Button } from '@material-ui/core';

interface Props{
  extendedField: string;

export class MyExtendedButton extends React.Component<ButtonProps & Props>{

    const {
    } = this.props;

    return (<Button {...buttonProps}>
      : <span style={{color: 'red'}}>

有点晚了,但这是另一种解决方案。另请参阅 MUI 文档组件 prop 的用法 以下按钮使用链接组件。它也使用 Link 的特定props及其类型。它也添加了自己的重要props。

import React from 'react'
import MuiButton, {ButtonProps} from '@material-ui/core/Button'

interface ButtonOptions {
    // your custom options with their types

const Button = <C extends React.ElementType>(props: ButtonProps<C, {component?: C}> & ButtonOptions ) => {
  return <MuiButton {...props}>{props.children}</MuiButton>

export default Button
// use like this:  
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
<Button component={Link} to={'/somelocation'}>