我想使用typescript从 Material-UI 扩展 Button 组件的props,以便能够将其他props传递给它的孩子。
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Button } from 'material-ui';
// NavLink props that needs to be added to typescript declarations
我尝试在 ./app/types/material_ui.d.ts 中添加以下声明:
declare module 'material-ui' {
interface Button {
activeClassName?: any;
exact?: boolean;
to?: string;
这会引发错误“TS2693:'Button' 仅指一种类型,但在此处用作值。”。
import * as React from 'react';
import { PropTypes, StyledComponent } from 'material-ui';
import { ButtonBaseProps } from 'material-ui/ButtonBase';
declare module 'material-ui' {
export interface ButtonProps extends ButtonBaseProps {
color?: PropTypes.Color | 'contrast';
component?: React.ReactNode;
dense?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
disableFocusRipple?: boolean;
disableRipple?: boolean;
fab?: boolean;
href?: string;
raised?: boolean;
type?: string;
activeClassName?: any;
exact?: boolean;
to?: string;
export class Button extends StyledComponent<ButtonProps> { }
这会引发错误“TS2323:无法重新声明导出的变量 'Button'”。
我的 tsconfig.json 看起来像这样:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"history": ["./node_modules/@types/history/index"],
"redux": ["./node_modules/@types/redux/index"],
"react": ["./node_modules/@types/react/index"],
"*": ["./app/types/*", "*"]
最后是 Material-UI 的原始类型定义:
import * as React from 'react';
import { StyledComponent, PropTypes } from '..';
import { ButtonBaseProps } from '../ButtonBase';
export interface ButtonProps extends ButtonBaseProps {
color?: PropTypes.Color | 'contrast';
component?: React.ReactNode;
dense?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
disableFocusRipple?: boolean;
disableRipple?: boolean;
fab?: boolean;
href?: string;
raised?: boolean;
type?: string;
export default class Button extends StyledComponent<ButtonProps> {}
我正在使用 material-ui 1.0.0-beta.8 和 react 15.6.1、react-router-dom 4.2.2 和 typescript 2.5.2。