
3D打印 g代码 热端 喷嘴 anet-a8
2021-05-05 15:35:28

当我使用 Marlin 固件自动调平我的 Anet A8 时,在调平过程中喷嘴加热到 195°C,这会留下细丝滴。我检查了生成的 G 代码,但对我来说没有意义:

M190 S55 ; set bed temperature and wait for it to be reached
M117 Homing Axes
G28                          ; Home axis
M117 Autoleveling
M117 Cleaning Nozzle    ; Indicate nozzle clean in progress on LCD
M109 S200       ; Uncomment to set your own temp run warmer to clean out nozzle
M107                ; Turn layer fan off
G21             ; Set to metric change to G20 if you want Imperial
G90                          ; Force coordinates to be absolute relative to the origin
G0 X10 Y0 Z0.15 F9000         ; Move in 1mm from edge and up z 0.15mm
G92 E0                       ; Set extruder to 0 zero
G1 Y190 E50 F500             ; Extrude 100mm filiment along Y axis 190mm long to prime and clean the nozzle
G92 E0                       ; Reset extruder to 0 zero end of cleaning run
G1 E-3 F500                  ; Retract filiment by 3 mm to reduce string effect
G1 X3 Y190 Z15 F9000        ; Move over and rise to safe Z height
G1 X3 Y0 Z15 F9000      ; Move back to front of bed at safe Z height to shear strings

我的打印机加热床,然后在将喷嘴温度设置为 195°C 的同时返回轴。

然后自动调平,最后M109 S200完成它的工作。

如果没有 G 代码(除了M109 S200),如何防止喷嘴加热


我使用 CURA 作为我的切片器,它在执行打印机启动代码之前设置床和喷嘴温度。您可以通过在记事本中打开一个文件来轻松检查,并查看是否会有几行描述作业、喷嘴和床设置温度并the user code插入打印机属性屏幕中。

要更改该行为 - 您需要打开文件并在执行调平后向下移动 M 命令。

;Filament used: 0.0187665m
;Layer height: 0.2
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 3.3.1
M190 S60
M104 S200
M109 S200M82 ;absolute extrusion mode

上面的行是由切片器添加的,因此在 START G-Code 部分的指令之前设置温度:

G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ;start with the fan off
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F20 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again

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