是否可以在容器组件的函数之间传递 React 组件作为参数

IT技术 reactjs
2021-04-26 14:23:52


//React Container Component
//Import Both Views and Render based on preference
import PosterView from "./PosterView"
import ListView from "./ListViewCard"


  if(cardType === "poster"){
     return this.renderCards(PosterView)
     return this.renderCards(ListViewCard)
  let cards =  this.props.list.map(function(cardData){
     return <component data={cardData}/>
  return cards
  let cards = this.renderCardsBasedOnType("poster")
  return <div>{cards}</div>

尝试Component代替component. React 需要一个大写的 jsx 标签:

  let cards =  this.props.list.map(function(cardData){
     return <Component data={cardData}/>
  return cards

感谢 Damien 的回答,这里是使用 TypeScript 和 React 的相同答案。


export const SiteMapContent: FunctionComponent = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Site Map</h1>
      <p>This will display the site map.</p>


const renderContent: FunctionComponent<FunctionComponent> = (Foo: FunctionComponent) => {
  return (
    <div className="foo">
      <Foo />

export const SiteMap: FunctionComponent = () => {
  return renderContentOne(SiteMapContent);

const SiteMapContent: FunctionComponent = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Site Map</h1>
      <p>This will display the site map.</p>

同样,参数的名称必须是大写的,例如Foonot foo

当然,另一种不同的方式是传递一个元素而不是组件,而不是按照 OP 中的要求传递组件(在这种情况下,参数名称不必大写):

const renderContent: FunctionComponent<ReactElement> = (foo: ReactElement) => {
  return (
    <div className="foo">

export const SiteMap: FunctionComponent = () => {
  const foo: ReactElement = <SiteMapContent />;
  return renderContentOne(foo);

const SiteMapContent: FunctionComponent = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Site Map</h1>
      <p>This will display the site map.</p>

您可以使用React.createElment(myLowerCasedComponent)- 我正在学习 Javascript 教程并即时移植到 TypeScript。在 TypeScript 中,我让它像这样工作:

    // PrivateRoute.tsx
    type PropType = {
        component: React.ComponentType
    } & RouteProps
    // Component that wraps another component to produce a
    // component which only renders if the user is logged in. If not logged
    // in then the browser is redirected to the signin component.
    const PrivateRoute: React.FC<PropType> = ({ component, ...rest }) => {
        return (
                render={(props) =>
                    isAuth() ? (
                    ) : (
                                pathname: '/signin',
                                state: { from: props.location }
    export default PrivateRoute


    class Routes extends React.Component {
        render(): React.ReactElement {
            return (
                        <Route path="/signin" exact component={Signin} />
                        <Route path="/auth/activate/:token" exact component={Activate} />
                        <AdminRoute path="/admin" exact component={Admin} />
                        { /* here my param name is 'component' matching than
                             the other routes. Not 'Component=Private' (ugh) */ }
                        <PrivateRoute path="/private" exact component={Private} />
    export default Routes

这里我的Private组件是一个标准的基于 React 类的组件:


type ChangeHandler = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void

class Private extends React.Component<PropType, StateType> {
    render(): JSX.Element {
        return (
                <div className="col-md-6 offset-md-3">
                { /* stuff here... */ }