在 react-bootstrap-table2 中添加带有图标的编辑按钮

IT技术 javascript reactjs
2021-05-03 00:25:29

我想在表像这样的列编辑整个相应行 对应于每个编辑按钮在react-Bootstrap_表2



import React from "react";
import "../../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import BootstrapTable from "react-bootstrap-table-next";
import paginationFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-paginator";
import cellEditFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-editor";

export class Table extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      data: [
          id: 1,
          dn: "Gob",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "2",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 2,
          dn: "Buster",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "5",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 1,
          dn: "Gob",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "2",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 2,
          dn: "Buster",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "5",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
          id: 3,
          dn: "George Michael",
          f: "wah",
          ct: "4",
          cr: "acha",
          dsf: 12,
          dsp: 30
      columns: [
          dataField: "dn",
          text: "Doctor Name",
          sort: true
          dataField: "f",
          text: "Facility",
          sort: true
          dataField: "ct",
          text: "Consultation Type",
          sort: true
          dataField: "cr",
          text: "Consultation Rate",
          sort: true
          dataField: "dsf",
          text: "Doctor Share (Fixed)",
          sort: true,
          style: { backgroundColor: "#e0f7fa" }
          dataField: "dsp",
          text: "Doctor Share(%)",
          sort: true,
          style: { backgroundColor: "#fbe9e7" }
          dataField: "edit",
          text: "Edit",
          editCellStyle: (cell, row, rowIndex, colIndex) => {
            const icon = { style: 'class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil">' };
            return { icon };

  render() {
    const selectRow = {
      mode: "checkbox",
      clickToSelect: true

    // const editFormatter = (cell, row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) => {
    //   <Button
    //     icon
    //     labelPosition="left"
    //     onClick={() => deleteMe(rowIndex, rowId)}
    //   >
    //     <Icon name="remove" /> Remove{" "}
    //   </Button>;
    // };
    const customTotal = (from, to, size) => (
      <span className="react-bootstrap-table-pagination-total">
        Showing {from} to {to} of {size} Results

    return (
      <div className="container" style={{ marginTop: 50 }}>
          pagination={paginationFactory({ nextPageText: "Next" })}
          cellEdit={cellEditFactory({ mode: "click" })}



您可以在列定义中添加一个虚拟字段,并引用可以为每一行在列中呈现组件的格式化程序。在我们的例子中,组件是一个 ActionsFormater,我们用它来呈现几个按钮(查看、编辑、删除),这些按钮可以作用于为每一行传入的 id。

    dataField: 'actions',
    text: 'Actions',
    isDummyField: true,
    csvExport: false,
    formatter: this.actionsFormatter,

actionsFormatter = (cell, row) => <ActionsFormatter id={row.id} />;


react-bootstrap-table2 列中有按钮

我创建了这个函数并返回了 EditIcon 按钮组件。

function rankFormatter(cell, row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) { 
     return ( 
           < div 
               style={{ textAlign: "center",
                  cursor: "pointer",
                 lineHeight: "normal" }}>

        < EditIcon
          style={{ fontSize: 20 }}
 ); } 

这是我将 rankFormatter 函数分配给格式化程序的列。

      { dataField: "edit", 
        text: "Edit",
        sort: false,
        formatter: rankFormatter,
        headerAttrs: { width: 50 },
        attrs: { width: 50, class: "EditRow" } 


其他用户的解决方案有效,但我只是注意到当前版本的 reactstrap-table-next 内置了对此的支持,所以我将为未来的用户提供这个答案。

可以通过将该属性设置expandRow.showExpandColumn为 true来显示额外的列然后仅在单击此列时扩展行,该属性也expandRow.expandByColumnOnly必须设置为 true。此列出现的一侧可以通过属性设置,expandRow.expandByColumnOnly其值可以是leftright

最后,我们还必须通过属性“expandRow.expandColumnRenderer”为该列传递一个渲染器,它采用这样的函数 ({ expanded, rowKey, expandable }) => ()

expandRow 示例:

const expandRow = {
    renderer: row => ...,
    expandByColumnOnly: true,
    expandColumnPosition: 'right',
    showExpandColumn: true,
    expandColumnRenderer: ({expanded, rowKey, expandable}) => {
        const onclick = (event) => {
            console.log("clicked on row ", rowKey)

        if (!expandable) {
        return (
            <button type="button" onClick={onclick} className="btn btn-outline-primary"/>


<BootstrapTable ... expandRow={expandRow} />
