<p> some long text </p>
在我的 HTML 页面上,我怎么知道鼠标光标位于单词“文本”上方?
<p> some long text </p>
在我的 HTML 页面上,我怎么知道鼠标光标位于单词“文本”上方?
除了其他两个答案之外,您可以使用 jQuery(或通常使用 javascript)将您的段落拆分为跨度。
这样,您就无需考虑在单词周围输出带有跨度的文本。让您的 javascript 为您完成。
<p>Each word will be wrapped in a span.</p>
<p>A second paragraph here.</p>
Word: <span id="word"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// wrap words in spans
$('p').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.html($this.text().replace(/\b(\w+)\b/g, "<span>$1</span>"));
// bind to each span
$('p span').hover(
function() { $('#word').text($(this).css('background-color','#ffff66').text()); },
function() { $('#word').text(''); $(this).css('background-color',''); }
请注意,上面的代码虽然有效,但会删除段落标签内的任何 html。
我的另一个答案仅适用于 Firefox。此答案适用于 Chrome。(也可能在 Firefox 中工作,我不知道。)
function getWordAtPoint(elem, x, y) {
if(elem.nodeType == elem.TEXT_NODE) {
var range = elem.ownerDocument.createRange();
var currentPos = 0;
var endPos = range.endOffset;
while(currentPos+1 < endPos) {
range.setStart(elem, currentPos);
range.setEnd(elem, currentPos+1);
if(range.getBoundingClientRect().left <= x && range.getBoundingClientRect().right >= x &&
range.getBoundingClientRect().top <= y && range.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= y) {
var ret = range.toString();
currentPos += 1;
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
var range = elem.childNodes[i].ownerDocument.createRange();
if(range.getBoundingClientRect().left <= x && range.getBoundingClientRect().right >= x &&
range.getBoundingClientRect().top <= y && range.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= y) {
return(getWordAtPoint(elem.childNodes[i], x, y));
} else {
在您的 mousemove 处理程序中,调用 getWordAtPoint(e.target, e.x, e.y);
如果您有多个跨度和嵌套的 HTML 来分隔单词(甚至单词中的字符),那么上述所有解决方案都将无法返回完整且正确的单词。
?这些问题在 2010 年没有得到解决,所以我现在将提出两个解决方案(2015 年)。
$(function() {
// Get the HTML in #hoverText - just a wrapper for convenience
var $hoverText = $("#hoverText");
// Replace all spans inside paragraphs with their text
$("p span", $hoverText).each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var text = $this.text(); // get span content
$this.replaceWith(text); // replace all span with just content
// Wrap words in spans AND preserve the whitespace
$("p", $hoverText).each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var newText = $this.text().replace(/([\s])([^\s]+)/g, "$1<span>$2</span>");
newText = newText.replace(/^([^\s]+)/g, "<span>$1</span>");
// Demo - bind hover to each span
$('#hoverText span').hover(
function() { $(this).css('background-color', '#ffff66'); },
function() { $(this).css('background-color', ''); }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="hoverText">
<p><span class="kinovar"><span id="selection_index3337" class="selection_index"></span>По f7-мъ часЁ твори1тъ сщ7eнникъ начaло съ кади1ломъ и3 со свэщeю, цrкимъ двeремъ tвeрзєннымъ, и3 поeтъ: Х</span>rт0съ воскRсе: <span class="kinovar">со
стіхи2. И# по стісёхъ pал0мъ: Б</span>лгcви2 душE моS гDа: <span class="kinovar">И# є3ктеніA. Тaже каfjсма nбhчнаz.</span>
遍历 DOM 树以获取下一个无障碍文本节点。如果两个单词片段被一个<p>
不应该回来 њб.)Во
在demo中,左边浮动的div就是光标下的单词。右侧浮动 div(如果可见)显示边界上的单词是如何形成的。其他标签可以安全地与此解决方案中的文本内联。
$(function() {
// Get the HTML in #hoverText - just a wrapper for convenience
var $hoverText = $("#hoverText");
// Get the full word the cursor is over regardless of span breaks
function getFullWord(event) {
var i, begin, end, range, textNode, offset;
// Internet Explorer
if (document.body.createTextRange) {
try {
range = document.body.createTextRange();
range.moveToPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
range = getTextRangeBoundaryPosition(range, true);
textNode = range.node;
offset = range.offset;
} catch(e) {
return ""; // Sigh, IE
// Firefox, Safari
// REF: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/caretPositionFromPoint
else if (document.caretPositionFromPoint) {
range = document.caretPositionFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
textNode = range.offsetNode;
offset = range.offset;
// Chrome
// REF: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/document/caretRangeFromPoint
} else if (document.caretRangeFromPoint) {
range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
textNode = range.startContainer;
offset = range.startOffset;
// Only act on text nodes
if (!textNode || textNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return "";
var data = textNode.textContent;
// Sometimes the offset can be at the 'length' of the data.
// It might be a bug with this 'experimental' feature
// Compensate for this below
if (offset >= data.length) {
offset = data.length - 1;
// Ignore the cursor on spaces - these aren't words
if (isW(data[offset])) {
return "";
// Scan behind the current character until whitespace is found, or beginning
i = begin = end = offset;
while (i > 0 && !isW(data[i - 1])) {
begin = i;
// Scan ahead of the current character until whitespace is found, or end
i = offset;
while (i < data.length - 1 && !isW(data[i + 1])) {
end = i;
// This is our temporary word
var word = data.substring(begin, end + 1);
// Demo only
showBridge(null, null, null);
// If at a node boundary, cross over and see what
// the next word is and check if this should be added to our temp word
if (end === data.length - 1 || begin === 0) {
var nextNode = getNextNode(textNode);
var prevNode = getPrevNode(textNode);
// Get the next node text
if (end == data.length - 1 && nextNode) {
var nextText = nextNode.textContent;
// Demo only
showBridge(word, nextText, null);
// Add the letters from the next text block until a whitespace, or end
i = 0;
while (i < nextText.length && !isW(nextText[i])) {
word += nextText[i++];
} else if (begin === 0 && prevNode) {
// Get the previous node text
var prevText = prevNode.textContent;
// Demo only
showBridge(word, null, prevText);
// Add the letters from the next text block until a whitespace, or end
i = prevText.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && !isW(prevText[i])) {
word = prevText[i--] + word;
return word;
// Return the word the cursor is over
$hoverText.mousemove(function(e) {
var word = getFullWord(e);
if (word !== "") {
// Helper functions
// Whitespace checker
function isW(s) {
return /[ \f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029]/.test(s);
// Barrier nodes are BR, DIV, P, PRE, TD, TR, ...
function isBarrierNode(node) {
return node ? /^(BR|DIV|P|PRE|TD|TR|TABLE)$/i.test(node.nodeName) : true;
// Try to find the next adjacent node
function getNextNode(node) {
var n = null;
// Does this node have a sibling?
if (node.nextSibling) {
n = node.nextSibling;
// Doe this node's container have a sibling?
} else if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nextSibling) {
n = node.parentNode.nextSibling;
return isBarrierNode(n) ? null : n;
// Try to find the prev adjacent node
function getPrevNode(node) {
var n = null;
// Does this node have a sibling?
if (node.previousSibling) {
n = node.previousSibling;
// Doe this node's container have a sibling?
} else if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.previousSibling) {
n = node.parentNode.previousSibling;
return isBarrierNode(n) ? null : n;
// REF: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127369/how-to-get-selected-textnode-in-contenteditable-div-in-ie
function getChildIndex(node) {
var i = 0;
while( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
return i;
// All this code just to make this work with IE, OTL
// REF: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127369/how-to-get-selected-textnode-in-contenteditable-div-in-ie
function getTextRangeBoundaryPosition(textRange, isStart) {
var workingRange = textRange.duplicate();
var containerElement = workingRange.parentElement();
var workingNode = document.createElement("span");
var comparison, workingComparisonType = isStart ?
"StartToStart" : "StartToEnd";
var boundaryPosition, boundaryNode;
// Move the working range through the container's children, starting at
// the end and working backwards, until the working range reaches or goes
// past the boundary we're interested in
do {
containerElement.insertBefore(workingNode, workingNode.previousSibling);
} while ( (comparison = workingRange.compareEndPoints(
workingComparisonType, textRange)) > 0 && workingNode.previousSibling);
// We've now reached or gone past the boundary of the text range we're
// interested in so have identified the node we want
boundaryNode = workingNode.nextSibling;
if (comparison == -1 && boundaryNode) {
// This must be a data node (text, comment, cdata) since we've overshot.
// The working range is collapsed at the start of the node containing
// the text range's boundary, so we move the end of the working range
// to the boundary point and measure the length of its text to get
// the boundary's offset within the node
workingRange.setEndPoint(isStart ? "EndToStart" : "EndToEnd", textRange);
boundaryPosition = {
node: boundaryNode,
offset: workingRange.text.length
} else {
// We've hit the boundary exactly, so this must be an element
boundaryPosition = {
node: containerElement,
offset: getChildIndex(workingNode)
// Clean up
return boundaryPosition;
// DEMO-ONLY code - this shows how the word is recombined across boundaries
function showBridge(word, nextText, prevText) {
if (nextText) {
$("#bridge").html("<span class=\"word\">" + word + "</span> | " + nextText.substring(0, 20) + "...").show();
} else if (prevText) {
$("#bridge").html("..." + prevText.substring(prevText.length - 20, prevText.length) + " | <span class=\"word\">" + word + "</span>").show();
} else {
.kinovar { color:red; font-size:20px;}.slavic { color: blue;}#result {top:10px;left:10px;}#bridge { top:10px; right:80px;}.floater { position: fixed; background-color:white; border:2px solid black; padding:4px;}.word { color:blue;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="bridge" class="floater"></div> <div id="result" class="floater"></div> <div id="hoverText"><p><span class="kinovar"><span id="selection_index3337" class="selection_index"></span>По f7-мъ часЁ твори1тъ сщ7eнникъ начaло съ кади1ломъ и3 со свэщeю, цrкимъ двeремъ tвeрзєннымъ, и3 поeтъ: Х</span>rт0съ воскRсе: <span class="kinovar">со стіхи2. И# по стісёхъ pал0мъ: Б</span>лгcви2 душE моS гDа: <span class="kinovar">И# є3ктеніA. Тaже каfjсма nбhчнаz.</span></p><div class="slavic"> <input value="Works around other tags!"><p><span id="selection_index3737" class="selection_index"></span>(л. рo7з њб.)</p><p><span class="kinovar"><span id="selection_index3738" class="selection_index"></span>Во вт0рникъ вeчера</span> </p><p><span class="kinovar"><span id="selection_index3739" class="selection_index"></span>tдaніе прaздника пaсхи.</span></p><p><span class="kinovar"><span id="selection_index3740" class="selection_index"></span>По f7-мъ часЁ твори1тъ сщ7eнникъ начaло съ кади1ломъ и3 со свэщeю, цrкимъ двeремъ tвeрзєннымъ, и3 поeтъ: Х</span>rт0съ воскRсе: <span class="kinovar">со стіхи2. И# по стісёхъ pал0мъ: Б</span>лгcви2 душE моS гDа: <span class="kinovar">И# є3ктеніA. Тaже каfjсма nбhчнаz.<input value="Works around inline tags too"></span></p><p><span class="kinovar"><span id="selection_index3741" class="selection_index"></span>На ГDи воззвaхъ: поeмъ стіхи6ры самоглaсны, слэпaгw, на ѕ7. Глaсъ в7:</span></p></div>
(注意:我冒昧地将样式应用于示例 HTML 中的 span 标签,以阐明文本节点边框的位置。)
(目前在 Chrome 和 IE 中工作。对于 IE,必须使用来自IERange的方法作为跨浏览器兼容性的垫片)
<p><span>Some</span> <span>long</span> <span>text</span></p>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('p span').bind('mouseenter', function () {
alert($(this).html() + " is what you're currently hovering over!");
这是一个在大多数情况下适用于 Chrome 的简单解决方案:
function getWordAtPoint(x, y) {
var range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y);
if (range.startContainer.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return range.toString().trim();
return null;