推迟执行 ES6 模板文字

IT技术 javascript ecmascript-6 template-literals
2021-01-14 00:42:13

我正在使用新的ES6 Template Literals功能,我想到的第一件事是String.formatJavaScript 的,所以我开始实现一个原型:

String.prototype.format = function() {
  var self = this;
  arguments.forEach(function(val,idx) {
    self["p"+idx] = val;
  return this.toString();
console.log(`Hello, ${p0}. This is a ${p1}`.format("world", "test"));





  • 使用模板字符串,就像它们设计的那样,没有任何format功能:

    console.log(`Hello, ${"world"}. This is a ${"test"}`);
    // might make more sense with variables:
    var p0 = "world", p1 = "test";
    console.log(`Hello, ${p0}. This is a ${p1}`);


    const welcome = (p0, p1) => `Hello, ${p0}. This is a ${p1}`;
    console.log(welcome("world", "test"));
  • 不要使用模板字符串,而是使用纯字符串文字:

    String.prototype.format = function() {
        var args = arguments;
        return this.replace(/\$\{p(\d)\}/g, function(match, id) {
            return args[id];
    console.log("Hello, ${p0}. This is a ${p1}".format("world", "test"));
  • 使用标记的模板文字。请注意,替换仍将在没有处理程序拦截的情况下进行评估,因此您不能使用标识符,例如p0没有命名为 so 的变量。如果接受不同的替换正文语法提议,则此行为可能会改变(更新:事实并非如此)。

    function formatter(literals, ...substitutions) {
        return {
            format: function() {
                var out = [];
                for(var i=0, k=0; i < literals.length; i++) {
                    out[k++] = literals[i];
                    out[k++] = arguments[substitutions[i]];
                out[k] = literals[i];
                return out.join("");
    console.log(formatter`Hello, ${0}. This is a ${1}`.format("world", "test"));
    // Notice the number literals: ^               ^
这也可以作为静态方法添加到 String like String.formatter
2021-03-22 00:42:13
我喜欢这样,因为它允许您在插入值之前对其进行操作。例如,如果您传入一个名称数组,您可以根据数组中的名称巧妙地将它们组合成诸如“James”、“James & Mary”或“James, Mary, & William”之类的字符串。
2021-03-23 00:42:13
很彻底。请参阅下面@rodrigorodrigues 的回答,尤其是他的第一个代码块,以获得最简洁的解决方案。
2021-03-25 00:42:13
2021-03-30 00:42:13

扩展@Bergi 的答案,当您意识到可以返回任何结果时,标记模板字符串的力量就会显现出来,而不仅仅是纯字符串。在他的例子中,标签构造并返回一个带有闭包和函数属性的对象format


function fmt([fisrt, ...rest], ...tags) {
  return values => rest.reduce((acc, curr, i) => {
    return acc + values[tags[i]] + curr;
  }, fisrt);


> fmt`Test with ${0}, ${1}, ${2} and ${0} again`(['A', 'B', 'C']);
// 'Test with A, B, C and A again'
> template = fmt`Test with ${'foo'}, ${'bar'}, ${'baz'} and ${'foo'} again`
> template({ foo:'FOO', bar:'BAR' })
// 'Test with FOO, BAR, undefined and FOO again'

另一种更接近您所写内容的选择是返回一个从字符串扩展的对象,以开箱即用并尊重界面。对 的扩展String.prototype将不起作用,因为您稍后需要关闭模板标记来解析参数。

class FormatString extends String {
  // Some other custom extensions that don't need the template closure

function fmt([fisrt, ...rest], ...tags) {
  const str = new FormatString(rest.reduce((acc, curr, i) => `${acc}\${${tags[i]}}${curr}`, fisrt));
  str.format = values => rest.reduce((acc, curr, i) => {
    return acc + values[tags[i]] + curr;
  }, fisrt);
  return str;


> console.log(fmt`Hello, ${0}. This is a ${1}.`.format(["world", "test"]));
// Hello, world. This is a test.
> template = fmt`Hello, ${'foo'}. This is a ${'bar'}.`
> console.log(template)
// { [String: 'Hello, ${foo}. This is a ${bar}.'] format: [Function] }
> console.log(template.format({ foo: true, bar: null }))
// Hello, true. This is a null.


那个小减速器非常强大。创建了两个 Codepen 以显示带有标记的示例用法,一个带有值对象一个带有值数组
2021-04-09 00:42:13

AFAIS,有用的功能“延迟执行字符串模板”仍然不可用。使用 lambda 是一种富有表现力、可读性和简短的解决方案,但是:

var greetingTmpl = (...p)=>`Hello, ${p[0]}. This is a ${p[1]}`;

console.log( greetingTmpl("world","test") );
console.log( greetingTmpl("@CodingIntrigue","try") );


let inject = (str, obj) => str.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, (x,g)=> obj[g]);



const isUndefined = o => typeof o === 'undefined'

const nvl = (o, valueIfUndefined) => isUndefined(o) ? valueIfUndefined : o

// gets a deep value from an object, given a 'path'.
const getDeepValue = (obj, path) =>
    .replace(/\[|\]\.?/g, '.')
    .filter(s => s)
    .reduce((acc, val) => acc && acc[val], obj)

// given a string, resolves all template variables.
const resolveTemplate = (str, variables) => {
  return str.replace(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g, (m, g1) =>
            nvl(getDeepValue(variables, g1), m))

// add a 'format' method to the String prototype.
String.prototype.format = function(variables) {
  return resolveTemplate(this, variables)

// setup variables for resolution...
var variables = {}
variables['top level'] = 'Foo'
variables['deep object'] = {text:'Bar'}
var aGlobalVariable = 'Dog'

// ==> Foo Bar <==
console.log('==> ${top level} ${deep object.text} <=='.format(variables))

// ==> Dog Dog <==
console.log('==> ${aGlobalVariable} ${aGlobalVariable} <=='.format(this))

// ==> ${not an object.text} <==
console.log('==> ${not an object.text} <=='.format(variables))


NB eval被认为是“邪恶的”——考虑使用safe-eval替代方案。

// evalutes with a provided 'this' context.
const evalWithContext = (string, context) => function(s){
    return eval(s);
  }.call(context, string)

// given a string, resolves all template variables.
const resolveTemplate = function(str, variables) {
  return str.replace(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g, (m, g1) => evalWithContext(g1, variables))

// add a 'format' method to the String prototype.
String.prototype.format = function(variables) {
  return resolveTemplate(this, variables)

// ==> 5Foobar <==
console.log('==> ${1 + 4 + this.someVal} <=='.format({someVal: 'Foobar'}))