扩展@Bergi 的答案,当您意识到可以返回任何结果时,标记模板字符串的力量就会显现出来,而不仅仅是纯字符串。在他的例子中,标签构造并返回一个带有闭包和函数属性的对象format
function fmt([fisrt, ...rest], ...tags) {
return values => rest.reduce((acc, curr, i) => {
return acc + values[tags[i]] + curr;
}, fisrt);
> fmt`Test with ${0}, ${1}, ${2} and ${0} again`(['A', 'B', 'C']);
// 'Test with A, B, C and A again'
> template = fmt`Test with ${'foo'}, ${'bar'}, ${'baz'} and ${'foo'} again`
> template({ foo:'FOO', bar:'BAR' })
// 'Test with FOO, BAR, undefined and FOO again'
另一种更接近您所写内容的选择是返回一个从字符串扩展的对象,以开箱即用并尊重界面。对 的扩展String.prototype
class FormatString extends String {
// Some other custom extensions that don't need the template closure
function fmt([fisrt, ...rest], ...tags) {
const str = new FormatString(rest.reduce((acc, curr, i) => `${acc}\${${tags[i]}}${curr}`, fisrt));
str.format = values => rest.reduce((acc, curr, i) => {
return acc + values[tags[i]] + curr;
}, fisrt);
return str;
> console.log(fmt`Hello, ${0}. This is a ${1}.`.format(["world", "test"]));
// Hello, world. This is a test.
> template = fmt`Hello, ${'foo'}. This is a ${'bar'}.`
> console.log(template)
// { [String: 'Hello, ${foo}. This is a ${bar}.'] format: [Function] }
> console.log(template.format({ foo: true, bar: null }))
// Hello, true. This is a null.