如何克隆 MobX 可观察对象?(编辑保存更改)

IT技术 reactjs mobx
2021-05-18 14:45:07

我有一个简单的react形式,在我的 MobX 商店中有两个 observables:

@observable personalInfo = {
        email: '',
        gender: 1,
        birthDate: null, 
        location: ''
@observable personalInfoInEdit = null;

当加载个人信息的形式(在 ctor 中)时,我正在调用我的商店中的一个方法:

reset_PersonalInfoInEdit() {
        this.personalInfoInEdit = observable(this.personalInfo);


用另一个 observable 调用 observable() 是否有效?这有什么副作用吗?(它似乎工作)



首选模式是使用mobx-utils 中的createViewModel实用程序函数所以你会这样做:

import { createViewModel } from 'mobx-utils'

reset_PersonalInfoInEdit() {
    this.personalInfoInEdit = createViewModel(this.personalInfo);


class Todo {
  \@observable title = "Test"

const model = new Todo()
const viewModel = createViewModel(model);

autorun(() => console.log(viewModel.model.title, ",", viewModel.title))
// prints "Test, Test"
model.title = "Get coffee"
// prints "Get coffee, Get coffee", viewModel just proxies to model
viewModel.title = "Get tea"
// prints "Get coffee, Get tea", viewModel's title is now dirty, and the local value will be printed
// prints "Get tea, Get tea", changes submitted from the viewModel to the model, viewModel is proxying again
viewModel.title = "Get cookie"
// prints "Get tea, Get cookie" // viewModel has diverged again
// prints "Get tea, Get tea", changes of the viewModel have been abandoned