在 JavaScript 中重载算术运算符?

IT技术 javascript operator-overloading
2021-01-27 08:36:56

考虑到这个 JavaScript“类”定义,这是我能想到的最好的表达这个问题的方式:

var Quota = function(hours, minutes, seconds){
    if (arguments.length === 3) {
        this.hours = hours;
        this.minutes = minutes;
        this.seconds = seconds;

        this.totalMilliseconds = Math.floor((hours * 3600000)) + Math.floor((minutes * 60000)) + Math.floor((seconds * 1000));
    else if (arguments.length === 1) {
        this.totalMilliseconds = hours;

        this.hours = Math.floor(this.totalMilliseconds / 3600000);
        this.minutes = Math.floor((this.totalMilliseconds % 3600000) / 60000);
        this.seconds = Math.floor(((this.totalMilliseconds % 3600000) % 60000) / 1000);

    this.padL = function(val){
        return (val.toString().length === 1) ? "0" + val : val;

    this.toString = function(){
        return this.padL(this.hours) + ":" + this.padL(this.minutes) + ":" + this.padL(this.seconds);

    this.valueOf = function(){
        return this.totalMilliseconds;


var q1 = new Quota(23, 58, 50);
var q2 = new Quota(0, 1, 0);
var q3 = new Quota(0, 0, 10);

console.log("Quota 01 is " + q1.toString());    // Prints "Quota 01 is 23:58:50"
console.log("Quota 02 is " + q2.toString());    // Prints "Quota 02 is 00:01:00"
console.log("Quota 03 is " + q3.toString());    // Prints "Quota 03 is 00:00:10"


var q4 = q1 + q2 + q3;
console.log("Quota 04 is " + q4.toString());    // Prints "Quota 04 is 86400000"


var q4 = new Quota(q1 + q2 + q3);
console.log("Quota 04 is " + q4.toString());    // Prints "Quota 04 is 24:00:00"

如果不是,则该领域中通过算术运算符使自定义数字 JavaScript 对象可组合的最佳实践建议是什么?




// define an example "class"
var NumClass = function(value){
    this.value = value;
NumClass.prototype.toInteger = function(){
    return this.value;

// Add a static method that creates a new object from several others
NumClass.createFromObjects = function(){
    var newValue = 0;
    for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
        newValue += arguments[i].toInteger();
    return new this(newValue)


var n1 = new NumClass(1);
var n2 = new NumClass(2);
var n3 = new NumClass(3);

var combined = NumClass.createFromObjects(n1, n2, n3);
我有点恼火,从负操作数向其模运算符返回负值的语言不支持运算符重载。在这一点上,世界上的每个人都必须将 % 实现为 ((a%b)+b)%b
2021-04-02 08:36:56



var q4 = q1.plus(p2).plus(q3);
在 CoffeeScript 中,您也可以删除一些括号 :)
2021-03-15 08:36:56
如果您的环境支持它,您还可以使用 currying 来获得更漂亮的 API: one(two)(three)
2021-04-06 08:36:56
@elliottcable 好+聪明的想法,虽然这对于乘法来说可能没问题,但即便如此,我认为它在典型的程序员思维方式中也不能很好地沟通。我还是会去的one.times(two).times(three);
2021-04-07 08:36:56


这已经在 chrome 和 IE 中进行了测试。

//Operator Overloading

var myClass = function () {


var intValue = Number(0),
    stringValue = String('');

this.valueOf = function () {
    if (this instanceof myClass) return intValue;
    return stringValue;

this.cast = function (type, call) {
    if (!type) return;
    if (!call) return type.bind(this);
    return call.bind(new type(this)).call(this);


//Derived class
var anotherClass = function () {

//Store the base reference
this.constructor = myClass.apply(this);

var myString = 'Test',
    myInt = 1;

this.valueOf = function () {
    if (this instanceof myClass) return myInt;
    return myString;



var test = new myClass(),
anotherTest = new anotherClass(),
composed = test + anotherTest,
yaComposed = test.cast(Number, function () {
    return this + anotherTest
yaCComposed = anotherTest.cast(Number, function () {
    return this + test;
t = test.cast(anotherClass, function () {
    return this + anotherTest
tt = anotherTest.cast(myClass, function () {
    return this + test;



如果派生 ....
2021-03-15 08:36:56
Jay,你能展示一下这将如何与 MyNumber 类一起工作来做算术(举个例子)?
2021-03-30 08:36:56
它是否仅仅因为类型包含单个 int 值而起作用?
2021-04-01 08:36:56


var q4 = Quota.add(q1, q2, q3);

Paper.js 就是这样做的,例如添加点(docs):

var point = new Point(5, 10);
var result = point + 20;
console.log(result); // {x: 25, y: 30}


2021-03-24 08:36:56
我还没有在 Paper.js 示例中看到对这个解析器的调用。它像一个非常聪明的评估吗?
2021-03-25 08:36:56
+20 将 20 添加到成员 x 和 y。2号线
2021-03-29 08:36:56
此代码段使用提供的自定义解析器进行解释 - 这不是标准的 javascript。
2021-04-03 08:36:56