种类:>kindlegen.exe -dont_append_source
Info:I9018:option: -donotaddsource: Source files will not be added
kind:>strings -o kindlegen.exe | grep -i 不添加源
5130184:option: -donotaddsource: Source files will not be added
5208360:Option: -donotaddsource: Quelldateien werden nicht hinzugef
5287768:option: -donotaddsource: Les fichiers sources se seront pas ajout
5367504:opzione: -donotaddsource: I file sorgente non verranno aggiunti
5448722:n: -donotaddsource: no se agregan los archivos fuente
5524610:: -donotaddsource:
5595760:o:-donotaddsource: Os arquivos de origem n
5673552:: -donotaddsource:
5748880:optie: -donotaddsource: bronbestanden worden niet toegevoegd
偏移处的二进制转储,如strings.exe 所示
kind:\>xxd -s 5130184 -g1 -l0x70 kindlegen.exe
04e47c8: 6f 00 70 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 3a 00 20 00 o.p.t.i.o.n.:. .
04e47d8: 2d 00 64 00 6f 00 6e 00 6f 00 74 00 61 00 64 00 -.d.o.n.o.t.a.d.
04e47e8: 64 00 73 00 6f 00 75 00 72 00 63 00 65 00 3a 00 d.s.o.u.r.c.e.:.
04e47f8: 20 00 53 00 6f 00 75 00 72 00 63 00 65 00 20 00 .S.o.u.r.c.e. .
04e4808: 66 00 69 00 6c 00 65 00 73 00 20 00 77 00 69 00 f.i.l.e.s. .w.i.
04e4818: 6c 00 6c 00 20 00 6e 00 6f 00 74 00 20 00 62 00 l.l. .n.o.t. .b.
04e4828: 65 00 20 00 61 00 64 00 64 00 65 00 64 00 00 00 e. .a.d.d.e.d...
kindle:\>echo get bounds of exe & cdb -c "lm m kin*;q" kindlegen.exe | grep def
get bounds of exe
00400000 00bdd000 kindlegen (deferred)
kindle:\>echo search string within bounds & cdb -c "lm m kin*;s -u kindlegen L?(0xbdd000
-0x400000) donotaddsource: ; q" kindlegen.exe | grep quit: -B 11
search for emitted string within bounds
start end module name
00400000 00bdd000 kindlegen (deferred)
008e59da 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
008f8b3a 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
0090c16a 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
0091f8e4 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
0093361a 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
00945e88 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
00957476 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
0096a456 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
0097caa0 0064 006f 006e 006f 0074 0061 0064 0064 d.o.n.o.t.a.d.d.
0:000> .foreach (place { s -[1]u 400000 bdd000 option:}) {du /c100 place }
00839650 "option: {0}"
008e5478 "option: -preserve_img: Original Image size will be preserved"
008e54f8 "option: -image64K: The maximum size of the image is restricted to 64K"
008e5588 "option: -image128K: The maximum size of the image is restricted to 128K"
008e5618 "option: -gif: gif image conversion (no jpeg)"
008e5674 "option: -c0: No compression"
008e56b0 "option: -c1: Standard DOC compression"
008e5700 "option: -c2: Kindle Huffdic compression"
008e5750 "option: -allscript: Authorize all scripting"
008e57a8 "option: -western: Forced Windows-1252 output"
008e5808 "option: -verbose: Verbose output"
008e5850 "option: -noparseback: Parse back won't be built"
008e58b0 "option: -regserver: The XOPFPlugin type library has been registered"
008e5938 "option: -unregserver: The XOPFPlugin type library has been unregistered"
008e59c8 "option: -donotaddsource: Source files will not be added"
008e5a38 "option: (hidden) Skip the HTML cleanup"
008e5a88 "option: (hidden) creates json position map file for debugging purpose."
008e5b18 "option: (hidden) creates mobi for older devices."
008e5b80 "option: (hidden) Using manual(tag based) fragmentation mode for building Webkit reader compatible mobi."
008e5c50 "option: (hidden) Webkit reader Compatible mobi will be built"
008e5ccc "option: (hidden) fragsize"
008e5d00 "option: (hidden) custom image size will be used for resizing"
008e5d80 "option: (hidden) amazon creator tool or pipeline"
008e5de8 "option: -genhdcontainers: eMM will be built with given resolutions"
0090bbc0 "option: -preserve_img: La taille d'origine de l'image sera préservée"
0090bc50 "option: -image64K: La taille maximum de l'image est limitée à 64K"
0090bcd8 "option: -image128K: La taille maximum de l'image est limitée à 128K"
0090bd60 "option: -gif: Conversion d'image gif (pas jpeg)"
0090bdc0 "option: -c0: Aucune compression"
0090be00 "option: -c1: Compression DOC standard"
0090be50 "option: -c2: Compression Kindle Huffdic"
0090bea0 "option: -allscript: Autorise toutes les scénarisations"
0090bf10 "option: -western: Sortie Windows-1252 forcée"
0090bf70 "option: -verbose: Sortie Verbose"
0090bfb8 "option: -noparseback: Parse back ne sera pas construit"
0090c028 "option: -regserver: Le type de bibliothèque XOPFPlugin a été enregistré"
0090c0b8 "option: -unregserver: Le type de bibliothèque XOPFPlugin a été désenregistré"
0090c158 "option: -donotaddsource: Les fichiers sources se seront pas ajoutés"
0090c1e0 "option: (masquée) Sauter le nettoyage HTML"
0090c238 "option: (masquée) Crée fichier de carte de position json dans le but d'un débogage."
0090c2e0 "option: (masquée) crée un mobi pour les appareils plus anciens."
0090c360 "option: (masquée) Utilisation du mode de fragmentation manuelle (basé sur les balises) pour construire un lecteur Webkit compatible mobi."
0090c478 "option: (masquée) Un lecteur Webkit compatible mobi sera construit"
0090c500 "option: (masquée) fragsize"
0090c538 "option: (masquée) la taille d'image personnalisée sera utilisée pour redimmensionement"
0090c5e8 "option: (caché) amazon créateur outil ou d'un pipeline"
009bbe70 "option: {0}"
参数字符串用 md5 散列并与 blob 相比,它显示为 Guntram blohm 对您原始查询的注释
一眼看去,散列函数似乎是一个 MD5 实现
CPU Disasm
Address Hex dump Command Comments
006836F0 thiscallhashestheargstring (MD5) /$ 83EC 68 SUB ESP, 68 ; kindlegen.thiscallhashestheargstring (MD5)(guessed Arg1)
006836F3 |. 8B50 08 MOV EDX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8]
006836F6 |. 8B48 04 MOV ECX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+4]
可能的 md5 常量在过程中可见
CPU Disasm
Address Command Comments
006838FD LEA EAX, [EBX+EAX+D76AA478]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
00683904 ROL EAX, 7
00683907 ADD EAX, EDX
00683909 AND EDI, EAX
0068390B MOV ECX, EAX
0068390D NOT ECX
0068390F AND ECX, ESI
00683911 OR ECX, EDI
00683917 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18], EBX
0068391B LEA ECX, [EBP+ECX+E8C7B756] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
00683922 ROL ECX, 0C
00683925 ADD ECX, EAX
00683927 MOV EDI, ECX
00683929 NOT EDI
0068392B AND EDI, EDX
0068392D MOV EBX, ECX
0068392F AND EBX, EAX
00683931 OR EDI, EBX
00683933 ADD EDI, DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+40]
00683937 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+30], ESI
0068393B LEA ESI, [ESI+EDI+242070DB] <<<<<<<<<<<<
某些 arg 字符串的 MD5 哈希是
cat dontapp.py
import md5
print md5.md5("-dont_append_source").hexdigest()
print md5.md5("-intermediate_only").hexdigest()
print md5.md5("-releasenotes").hexdigest()
python dontapp.py
和哈希在这里与 blob 字节进行比较
注意传递像 -abracadabra 这样的无效参数不会出现在这个比较函数中,所以有可能有一个像 argstr len 等的预检查
CPU Disasm
Address Command Comments
006832B0 whoknowswhat PUSH EBP ; kindlegen.whoknowswhat(guessed Arg1,Arg2)
-dont_append_source 哈希
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 84 (132.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 65 (101.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0B4 (180.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 44 (68.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0E1 (225.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0FE (254.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 29 (41.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 39 (57.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0E (14.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 2B (43.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0B6 (182.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0B9 (185.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 8B (139.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 87 (135.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 88 (136.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 29 (41.)
-intermediate_only 哈希
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0F8 (248.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 37 (55.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0E7 (231.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0C5 (197.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 9A (154.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0EB (235.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0A2 (162.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0CF (207.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0A4 (164.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0A0 (160.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0CC (204.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0B7 (183.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0C9 (201.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 41 (65.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0E1 (225.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0B8 (184.)
- 发行说明
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 23 (35.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 68 (104.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0D2 (210.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 38 (56.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 29 (41.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0AD (173.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 7E (126.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 68 (104.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0C (12.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0D2 (210.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 33 (51.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 85 (133.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0B9 (185.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0FC (252.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 0FF (255.)
006832B0 INT3: [esp+4] = 6A (106.)