
逆向工程 异或 固件分析
2021-06-26 04:13:22


我已阅读论坛并安装了 REMnux VM。我还使用了XOR Cracker 站点

我已经说服自己该文件是XORed 并且没有使用附加的binvis图像进行加密

这些站点和工具都同意可能的 XOR 模式,94 94 90 a1 91 89 91 92 是最有可能的。

我还研究了Malwarebytes 上可用的优秀信息

但是,保存 XORed 文件的所有组合时,我无法找到有意义的字符串,也无法通过 binwalk 来理解保存的文件。



它只是加法/减法(mod 256)。

# These key bytes are the two's complement of the hex sequence mentioned in the question.
# The string appears twice in the decrypted blob, which makes me think it's what is used.
key = [ord(n) for n in "llp_owon"]

with open("AFG1022_V1.2.4.tfb", "rb") as infile:
  data = infile.read()
for n in range(0, len(data)):
with open("decrypted.bin", "wb") as outfile:


// all uint32_t values are little endian
struct section {
  uint32_t valid; // 0x00000001 if present, 0x00000000 if not
  uint32_t offset; // offset to beginning of this payload in this file
  uint32_t length; // length of this payload
  uint32_t crc32; // crc32 of the payload described by this section

// This is the header at the start of the firmware file
struct firmware_header {
  uint32_t crc32; // crc32 of file_contents[4:]
  uint8_t version[16]; // version string
  uint8_t package_type[12]; // package type string ("UpgradePack")
  section s[8]; // the payloads, see above for the structure
  uint8_t model[40]]; // hardware model

// Each section index accesses a specific path
const char *section_paths[8] = {
  "/flash/boot/bmp",  // splashscreen bitmap
  "/flash/boot/os",   // load at address 0x00000000, ARM