我正在尝试在 32 位 ELF 可执行文件中注入一段 shellcode。我正在运行 Ubuntu 14.04 64 位。因此,我运行的所有命令都需要显式开关来生成 32 位代码。我正在使用elf-infector来注入我的 shellcode。
主机二进制文件的 C 源代码如下:
/* simple_if.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "s2e.h"
int main()
int var_cond;
printf("Enter 0/1: ");
scanf("%d", &var_cond);
printf("Entered value: 0\n");
printf("Entered value: 1\n");
return 0;
首先,我尝试使用“Hello World”ASM 负载:
; hello.asm
global _start
section .text
jmp MESSAGE ; 1) lets jump to MESSAGE
mov eax, 0x4
mov ebx, 0x1
pop ecx ; 3) we are poping into `ecx`, now we have the
; address of "Hello, World!\r\n"
mov edx, 0xF
int 0x80
jmp end ; Injector will insert a jump to original entry point
;mov eax, 0x1 ; Intentionally not returning the control
;mov ebx, 0x0
;int 0x80
call GOBACK ; 2) we are going back, since we used `call`, that means
; the return address, which is in this case the address
; of "Hello, World!\r\n", is pushed into the stack.
db "Hello, World!", 0dh, 0ah
gcc -m32 simple_if.c -o simple_if
nasm -f elf hello.asm -o hello.o
ld -m elf_i386 hello.o -o hello
# Test the assembled code
Hello, World!
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
# Segfault is natural, we are not gracefully returning to OS
# Now extract the shellcode
for i in `objdump -d ./hello | tr '\t' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep '^[0-9a-f]{2}$' `; do echo -n "\\\\x$i" ; done | paste -d '' -s | sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/g'
# Update parasite.h
./infector simple_if
Run the infected file
Hello, World!
Enter 0/1: 8
Entered value: 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
但是,我希望程序应该优雅地退出。因为,感染者会在 shellcode 的末尾插入一个跳转到 OEP。我用不同的有效载荷尝试了同样的方法。但是,在这种情况下,程序在无限循环中运行,永远不会退出。
global _start
section .text
mov ecx,0x23f0
mov edx,0x804869c
jmp prog_name
pop eax
push ebx
mov ebx,edx
;db 0x0f,0x3f,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
pop ebx
xor eax,eax
jmp jump_start
call stub
db "simple_if",0x00,0x90
Enter 0/1: 9
Entered value: 1
Enter 0/1: 7
Entered value: 1
Enter 0/1: 6
Entered value: 1
Enter 0/1: 5
Entered value: 1
Enter 0/1: ^C