修改影响 xmm# 浮点值的步长值

逆向工程 部件 x86
2021-06-16 13:08:29


movss xmm0,[eax+30]  
addss xmm0,[esi+00000094]
movss [eax+30],xmm0
movss xmm0,[esi+00000098]
addss xmm0,[eax+34]    
movss [eax+34],xmm0
movss xmm0,[esi+0000009C]
addss xmm0,[eax+38] 
movss [eax+38],xmm0 


movss [eax+30],xmm0
movss [eax+34],xmm0
movss [eax+38],xmm0


addss xmm0,[esi+00000094]
addss xmm0,[eax+34]
addss xmm0,[eax+38]

我假设是[esi+00000094] [eax+34] [eax+38].

我尝试将它们乘以 (float)2.00(以及其他乘法因子,例如 1.50 和 0.20),如下所示

addss xmm0,[esi+00000094]*(float)2.00
addss xmm0,[eax+34]*(float)2.00
addss xmm0,[eax+38]*(float)2.00



addss xmm0,[esi+00000094] == addss 31.00,[0.43]      <- 31 being the current/old
                                                        value and 0.43 being the
                                                        increment value that 
                                                        will add to 31

movss [eax+30],xmm0       == movss [XXXXXXXXX],31.43 <- XXX being the address
                                                        that holds the new value
                                                        and xmm0 the one that
                                                        will copy the new value
                                                        to the target

---what I am trying to do if I am correct---

addss 31.00,[0.43*n]    <- n being a float point set by me (2.00 or 1.50 or 0.03)

movss [XXXXXXXXX],31.86 <- final value is copied to the target address with the
                           intended increment/decrement (in case of 0.### float
                           values) effectively set by me

谁能告诉我正确的方法吗?我什至不知道这些addss行是否是我可以修改步长值的正确行(增加或减少 中的最后一个xmm0值的行movss [eax+30],xmm0 | movss [eax+34],xmm0 | movss [eax+38],xmm0)。





CPU Disasm
Command                                  Comments
MOVSS   XMM0, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+30]      ; FLOAT 31.00000  orginal float 
MOVSS   XMM1, DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+94]      ; FLOAT 0.4300000 original flaot
MOVSS   XMM2, DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+9C]      ; FLOAT 2.000000   mov multiplier from location you chose to spare register
MULSS   XMM1, XMM2                       ; FLOAT 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.000000 multiply original float by multiplier
ADDSS   XMM0, XMM1                       ; FLOAT 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8600000 add modified result to original float
MOVSS   DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+30], XMM0      ; FLOAT 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.86000 return to flow