我感兴趣的是,如何摆脱 sp 分析失败。
000 push ebp
004 mov ebp, esp
004 push 0
008 push ebx
00C push esi
010 mov ebx, eax
010 xor eax, eax
010 push ebp
014 push offset j_ExceptionHandler1_2
018 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
01C mov fs:[eax], esp
01C push 1 ; uIDEvent
020 mov eax, [ebx+28h]
020 push eax ; hWnd
024 call j_KillTimer
01C mov esi, [ebx+24h]
01C test esi, esi
01C jz short loc_4467F1
01C cmp byte ptr [ebx+34h], 0
01C jz short loc_4467F1
01C cmp word ptr [ebx+2Eh], 0
01C jz short loc_4467F1
01C push 0 ; lpTimerFunc
020 push esi ; uElapse
024 push 1 ; nIDEvent
028 mov eax, [ebx+28h]
028 push eax ; hWnd
02C call j_SetTimer
01C test eax, eax
01C jnz short loc_4467F1
01C lea edx, [ebp+Str]
01C mov eax, ds:off_5C6E3C
01C call LoadString ; EAX = StringResource
; EDX = Target
01C mov ecx, [ebp+Str]
01C mov dl, 1
01C mov eax, off_40CA00
01C call sub_409F34
01C call GlobalExceptionE
loc_4467F1: ; CODE XREF: sub_446788+27j
; sub_446788+2Dj
; sub_446788+34j
; sub_446788+46j
00C xor eax, eax
00C pop edx
008 pop ecx
004 pop ecx
000 mov fs:[eax], edx
000 push offset loc_44680E
loc_4467FE: ; CODE XREF: CODE:0044680Cj
004 lea eax, [ebp+Str] ; RDStr
004 call ReleaseDelphiString ; EAX = Pointer to a stringpointer
; Refcount is decreased and the pointer is set to NULL.
004 retn
sub_446788 endp ; sp-analysis failed
; [00000005 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION j_ExceptionHandler1_2. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
jmp short loc_4467FE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loc_44680E: ; CODE XREF: sub_446788+7Ej
; DATA XREF: sub_446788+71o
004 pop esi
000 pop ebx
-04 pop ecx
-08 pop ebp
-0C retn
000 pop edx
-04 push esp
000 push ebp
004 push edi
008 push esi
00C push ebx
010 push eax
014 push edx
018 push esp ; lpArguments
01C push 7 ; nNumberOfArguments
020 push 1 ; dwExceptionFlags
024 push 0EEDFADEh ; dwExceptionCode
028 push edx
02C jmp j_RaiseException