解压没有 MSI 文件的 MST 文件

逆向工程 开箱
2021-06-11 10:35:49

我已经查了几天了,但我只能找到像 MSTView 或 Orca 这样的软件,它们都需要一个 MSI 文件来解压 MST。

有没有办法在没有 MSI 文件的情况下解压 MST 文件?


7 zip 理解 msi 和 mst 文件,并且可以将它们解压缩到它们的组成文件/文件夹中

C:>ndff -df: *.mst | grep SP1

\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst

C:>文件“f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst”

f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst; CDF V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 5.1, Code page: 1252, Title: Installation Database, Subject: Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Installer, Author: Microsoft Corporation, Keywords: Installer, Comments: WiX-basierter Installer fⁿr VPC2004, Create Time/Date: Thu Jul 29 06:49:22 2004, Name of Creating Application: Windows Installer, Security: 1, Template: ;1033, Last Saved By: ;1031, Revision Number: {CCCAFDDE-ECEC-4AE4-BD97-047076BBD4A9}5.3.582.16; {CCCAFDDE-ECEC-4AE4-BD97-047076BBD4A9}5.3.582.16; {339DD19A-341A-4CED-BC00-5B40BDED4DA2}, Number of Pages: 200, Number of Characters: 0

C:>"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l "f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst"

` 7-Zip 9.20 版权所有 (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18

Listing archive: f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst

Path = f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst
Type = Compound
Cluster Size = 512
Sector Size = 64

Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                .....           42           64  !Property
                .....          132          192  !Error
                .....          144          192  !Dialog
                .....           36           64  !Registry
                .....          982         1024  !Control
                .....           14           64  !TextStyle
                .....           48           64  !ActionText
                .....          820          832  !_StringPool
                .....        23374        23552  !_StringData
                .....           32           64  !RadioButton
                .....          592          640  [5]SummaryInformation
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                             26216        26752  11 files, 0 folders `

C:>dir "f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\1031.mst"

`Directory of f:\Virtual PC 2004 SP1\Virtual PC 2004 SP1  

 30/08/2006  12:41            30,208 1031.mst  
           1 File(s)         30,208 bytes  
           0 Dir(s)   1,154,138,112 bytes free`