在讨论 TCP 段中的推送和 URG 标志之前,让我们讨论整个过程..
最初,当从源 A 到目标 B 发起请求时,将触发 TCP 握手过程以确保连接正确,不受网络路径和身份验证和完整性的任何限制
TCP Syn ---TCP Syn ACK---TCPACK 成功。SSL 握手成功后开始 SSL 握手
Then both source A and destination B comes to conculsion to forward payload, before sending payload source A sends PUSH packet to destination B and destination sends payload to requester after completion of sending payload destination B send (PUSH ACK) packet for source A for status on payload received
URG TCP flag is used when there is priority traffic is send on network among specific source and destination For example : telneting destination servers on specific port is considered as priority traffic . When telnet traffic is intiàted it take priority by holding current existing traffic on network path and telnet traffic takes priority