我们有许多配置了双 WAN 链接的 Cisco 891 路由器。所有这些路由器都运行 Cisco IOS 15.x 在某些情况下,我们使用基于策略的路由来强制特定流量沿一条链路传输。
我在双 WAN 设置中经常使用 PBR,因为客户通常希望某些流量通过特定链接。例如,我经常需要让实时流量(如 VOIP)通过一个链接,然后通用互联网通过另一个链接,并且通常会使用 PBR 根据源/目标 IP、VLAN 或任何适合的方式路由流量.
显然,如果专用语音链路脱机,最好仍然提供降级服务。我倾向于set next-hop verify-availability
与 IP SLA 跟踪对象一起使用,以便在需要时允许流量仍然故障转移到另一个 WAN。
我的问题是:在使用 PBR 设置接口而不是下一跳时,是否有可能进行相同的配置(使用跟踪对象来验证可用性)?
我们在所有 PPPoE Dialer 接口中自动协商 IP 和路由设置。我们的第三方 ISP 之一继续更改了所有 DSL 连接的默认路由。这意味着,由于我已将下一跳硬编码到 PBR 配置中,因此它停止工作。幸运的是,PBR 故障转移到了另一个广域网,但无论如何,我一直在寻找尽可能避免对 IP 进行硬编码的依赖,类似于我执行默认路由的方式:
ip route Dialer0 10 track 1
今天,我被要求在一些新的 CPE 上配置双 WAN,并打算使用 PBR 来强制我们的 VOIP 流量沿着一条专用线路传输,如果需要的话,故障返回到 Internet 链接。问题是该客户使用来自同一 ISP 的两条 DSL 线路,因此在这两种情况下,下一跳将相同。所以很明显我接下来要做的是设置接口,但这意味着我失去了验证可用性。
希望有人知道在设置接口时我可以使用什么 PBR 配置来实现这一点。
track 1 ip sla 1
delay down 20 up 10
track 2 ip sla 2
delay down 20 up 10
interface FastEthernet8
description PPPoE ADSL2+ VOIP
no ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
duplex auto
speed auto
pppoe enable group global
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
interface GigabitEthernet0
description PPPoE ADSL2+ All Internet Traffic
no ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
duplex auto
speed auto
pppoe enable group global
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 2
interface Vlan1
description $ETH_LAN$
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly in
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
ip policy route-map PBR-LAN
interface Dialer0
description VOIP ADSL2+ Dialer Interface
bandwidth 1024
bandwidth receive 20480
ip address negotiated
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
encapsulation ppp
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
dialer pool 1
dialer-group 1
ppp authentication chap pap callin
ppp chap hostname xxxx@cust.example.com
ppp chap password 0 yyyy
ppp pap sent-username xxxx@cust.example.com password 0 yyyy
no cdp enable
interface Dialer1
description Internet ADSL2+ Dialer Interface
bandwidth 1024
bandwidth receive 20480
ip address negotiated
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
encapsulation ppp
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
dialer pool 2
dialer-group 2
ppp authentication chap pap callin
ppp chap hostname zzz@cust2.example.com
ppp chap password 0 aaa
ppp pap sent-username zzz@cust2.example.com password 0 aaa
no cdp enable
ip local policy route-map PBR-LOCAL
ip nat inside source route-map DSL2-DATA-NAT interface Dialer1 overload
ip nat inside source route-map DSL2-VOIP-NAT interface Dialer0 overload
ip route Dialer0 10 track 1
ip route Dialer1 track 2
ip access-list extended NAT-POOL
remark Be sure to exclude remote LANs in this ACL
deny ip
permit ip any
ip access-list extended PBR-DSL-DATA
remark Match local traffic with DSL DATA src IP
permit ip host any
ip access-list extended PBR-DSL-VOIP
remark Match local traffic with DSL VOIP src IP
permit ip host any
ip access-list extended VOIP-PBX
remark Match traffic to/from our VOIP PBX so it can use dedicated link.
permit ip host any
permit ip any host
! For the IP SLAs I simply ping the gateway of the circuit
! In this case, we have two DSL links from the same ISP
! So I simply ping the same gateway for both, with different source interfaces.
ip sla 1
icmp-echo source-interface Dialer0
threshold 4000
frequency 5
ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now
ip sla 2
icmp-echo source-interface Dialer1
threshold 4000
frequency 5
ip sla schedule 2 life forever start-time now
! These PBR-LOCAL route-maps are used for traffic coming from
! The router itself. (eg. ICMP, IPSec) Allows it to correctly
! Respond on both links, no matter which is the primary/active link.
route-map PBR-LOCAL permit 10
description Route traffic with src IP VOIP DSL
match ip address PBR-DSL-VOIP
set interface Dialer0
route-map PBR-LOCAL permit 20
description Route traffic with src IP DATA DSL
match ip address PBR-DSL-DATA
set interface Dialer1
route-map PBR-LAN permit 1
description This route map is to match all VOIP traffic and force it over the correct ADSL line
match ip address VOIP-PBX
! Using next-hop is how I would typically do this sort of thing.
! However - in this case since both links are from the same ISP, the next-hop is the same in both cases.
! So, although I haven't tried it, I am sure the router would have no way to know exactly which link I mean.
! In this example, I've used as the gateway IP for both DSL links.
! Try using VOIP Link
! set ip next-hop verify-availability 1 track 1
! If that fails, try the DATA link
! set ip next-hop verify-availability 2 track 2
! Because of this, my work-around has been to simply specify the Dialer interface
! of the link I want to use. But this also means no failover to the data link.
! Hope this makes sense.
set interface Dialer0
route-map DSL2-VOIP-NAT permit 10
description This route match is to match NAT traffic for the VOIP ADSL2+ Connection
match ip address NAT-POOL
match interface Dialer0
route-map DSL2-DATA-NAT permit 10
description This route match is to match NAT traffic for the DATA ADSL2+ Connection
match ip address NAT-POOL
match interface Dialer1