Cisco Nexus 5548 802.1x 访客 VLAN 不可用

网络工程 思科 VLAN 半径 IEEE-802.1x cisco-nexus-5k
2021-07-08 19:13:39

我正在尝试使用 MAC 身份验证绕过为 802.1x 配置 Cisco Nexus 5548。我发现在身份验证失败的情况下没有配置访客 VLAN 的选项。根据文档,它应该是一个可用的功能。但正如您在下面看到的,它不是一个可用的选项。

Switch(config-if)# dot1x ?
  default            Configure Dot1x with default values for this port
  host-mode          Role of 802.1x authenticating entity
  mac-auth-bypass    Configure Mac-Auth-Bypass
  max-reauth-req     Maximum Re-authentication Attempts Before Failing
  max-req            Maximum Retries to Initiate Authentication
  pae                Role of 802.1x authenticating entity
  port-control       Port control
  re-authentication  Enable or Disable Reauthentication for this port
  timeout            Various Timeouts

我已启用功能 dot1x。配置了我的半径服务器和预共享密钥。我还添加了所需的 aaa 语句。

我什至可以运行:“test aaa server radius xxxx testuser password”并且用户帐户认证成功。这只是我无法使用的来宾 vlan 功能。


如果配置了 MAB,并且由于 MAB 导致身份验证失败,则访客 VLAN(如果可用)将被分配为访问 VLAN。

它是什么意思(如果可用)?我是否需要定义一个 VLAN,然后使用某种参数将其建立为访客 VLAN?

我要强调的是,这是在 Nexus 5548 而不是 Nexus 9000 系列交换机上。我读过 Nexus 9Ks 不支持来宾 vlan 功能。


!Command: show running-config
!Time: Tue Jan  8 18:40:24 2019

version 7.1(0)N1(1a)
hostname NexusFiveKLab

no feature telnet
feature tacacs+
feature interface-vlan
feature dot1x
feature lacp
feature lldp
feature vtp

username admin password 5 XXXXXX  role network-admin

fips mode enable
no ip domain-lookup
tacacs-server host key 7 "XXXX"
aaa group server tacacs+ SSVR
  source-interface Vlan19
radius-server host key 7 "XXXX" authentication accounting
logging event link-status default
policy-map type network-qos jumbo
  class type network-qos class-default
    mtu 9216
system qos
  service-policy type queuing input fcoe-default-in-policy
  service-policy type queuing output fcoe-default-out-policy
  service-policy type qos input fcoe-default-in-policy
  service-policy type network-qos jumbo
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 XXXX priv XXXX localizedkey
snmp-server host traps version 3 auth NET_MONITOR udp-port 30055
snmp-server community 5K_Lab group network-operator
ntp server prefer
ntp source-interface Vlan10
aaa authentication login default group SSVR local
aaa authentication login console group SSVR local
aaa authorization config-commands default group SSVR local
aaa authorization commands default group SSVR local
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
aaa accounting default group SSVR
aaa authentication login error-enable

spanning-tree vlan 10, 900, 1000 priority 24576
vrf context management
  ip route

interface Vlan1

interface Vlan10
  no shutdown
  ip address

interface Vlan101
  no shutdown
  ip address

interface port-channel1
  switchport mode trunk
  switchport trunk allowed vlan 4-5,10,19,119,900,1000
  speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/1
  ***The only port I've configured for dot1x is eth2/16.  All other ports are either access ports or trunk ports.***

interface Ethernet2/16
  description 802.1x Test
  dot1x port-control auto
  dot1x re-authentication
  dot1x max-req 3
  dot1x timeout quiet-period 25
  dot1x timeout re-authperiod 3300
  dot1x timeout tx-period 40
  dot1x timeout server-timeout 60
  dot1x timeout ratelimit-period 10
  dot1x timeout supp-timeout 20
  dot1x pae authenticator
  dot1x mac-auth-bypass 
  no cdp enable
  switchport access vlan 40
  speed 1000

interface mgmt0
  vrf member management
  ip address
cli alias name w copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
cli alias name c config t
cli alias name sib show init brief
cli alias name sii show ip int brief
line console
line vty
boot kickstart bootflash:/n5000-uk9-kickstart.7.1.0.N1.1a.bin
boot system bootflash:/n5000-uk9.7.1.0.N1.1a.bin
ip radius source-interface Vlan101

我了解到开关至少需要在 7.2(0)N1 版本上。根据发行说明;这是添加了“基于 MAC-Based Authentication (MAB) 的动态 VLAN”的版本。一旦我升级到那个版本,“dot1x guest-vlan”选项就可用了。
