dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors 计数器是否包括 Vlan 不匹配

网络工程 交换机端口 IEEE-802.3x 统计数据 柜台
2021-07-18 14:01:50

我想知道 dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors 计数器是否包括 VLAN 不匹配,即由于 VLAN 不匹配而丢弃。仅明确列出dot3StatsAlignmentErrorsdot3StatsFCSErrors作为替代方案......这是来自Broadcom. 任何输入表示赞赏!

(ASN.1 符号)

{iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) dot3(7) dot3StatsTable(2) dot3StatsEntry(1) dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors(16)}


(OID-IRI 符号)



dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
particular interface fails due to an internal
MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
counted by an instance of this object if it is
not counted by the corresponding instance of
either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
The precise meaning of the count represented by
an instance of this object is implementation-
specific. In particular, an instance of this
object may represent a count of receive errors
on a particular interface that are not
otherwise counted.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
occur at re-initialization of the management
system, and at other times as indicated by the
value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,

dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors仅指帧错误 -如前所述,未对齐、FCS 错误、巨人、矮小。在这方面,VLAN 不匹配不是 MAC 级别的错误。
