Configure sniffer.
set id {integer} Sniffer ID. range[0-9999]
set status {enable | disable} Enable/disable the active status of the sniffer.
set logtraffic {all | utm | disable} Either log all sessions, only sessions that have a security profile applied, or disable all logging for this policy.
all Log all sessions accepted or denied by this policy.
utm Log traffic that has a security profile applied to it.
disable Disable all logging for this policy.
set ipv6 {enable | disable} Enable/disable sniffing IPv6 packets.
set non-ip {enable | disable} Enable/disable sniffing non-IP packets.
set interface {string} Interface name that traffic sniffing will take place on. size[35] - datasource(s):
set host {string} Hosts to filter for in sniffer traffic (Format examples:,,, size[63]
set port {string} Ports to sniff (Format examples: 10, :20, 30:40, 50-, 100-200). size[63]
set protocol {string} Integer value for the protocol type as defined by IANA (0 - 255). size[63]
set vlan {string} List of VLANs to sniff. size[63]
set application-list-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable application control profile.
set application-list {string} Name of an existing application list. size[35] - datasource(s):
set ips-sensor-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable IPS sensor.
set ips-sensor {string} Name of an existing IPS sensor. size[35] - datasource(s):
set dsri {enable | disable} Enable/disable DSRI.
set av-profile-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable antivirus profile.
set av-profile {string} Name of an existing antivirus profile. size[35] - datasource(s):
set webfilter-profile-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable web filter profile.
set webfilter-profile {string} Name of an existing web filter profile. size[35] - datasource(s):
set spamfilter-profile-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable spam filter.
set spamfilter-profile {string} Name of an existing spam filter profile. size[35] - datasource(s):
set dlp-sensor-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable DLP sensor.
set dlp-sensor {string} Name of an existing DLP sensor. size[35] - datasource(s):
set ips-dos-status {enable | disable} Enable/disable IPS DoS anomaly detection.