
IT技术 javascript html image map
2021-01-14 06:18:14

我目前正在尝试在我的网站上制作一个图像地图,它会根据窗口的大小调整大小......我想知道是否有办法用 HTML 来做到这一点,还是我必须用 Javascript 或其他来做到这一点语。

<div style="text-align:center; width:1920px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
<img id="Image-Maps_5201211070133251" src="Site.png" usemap="#Image-Maps_5201211070133251" border="0" width="1920" height="1080" alt="" />
<map id="_Image-Maps_5201211070133251" name="Image-Maps_5201211070133251">
<area shape="poly" coords="737,116,1149,118,944,473," href="http://essper.bandcamp.com" alt="Bandcamp" title="Bandcamp"   />
<area shape="poly" coords="1006,589,1418,590,1211,945," href="http://soundcloud.com/essper" alt="Soundcloud" title="Soundcloud"   />
<area shape="poly" coords="502,590,910,591,708,944," href="http://facebook.com/the.essper" alt="Facebook" title="Facebook"   />


我写了一个小的 lib 来保持 imageMap 缩放到可调整大小的图像,所以地图在图像缩放时保持同步。当您想映射百分比缩放图像等时很有用。

它可以在有或没有 jQuery 的情况下使用。




这是一个很棒的图书馆,谢谢。我确实建议对有关处理哈希更改的代码进行一些小的更改。随着 SPA/React/Vue/ 等的兴起,它特别有用。
2021-03-21 06:18:14
2021-03-27 06:18:14
这绝对是太棒了.. 像魅力一样工作,为我节省了很多时间!@craphunter:在我看来,应该编写一个不同的插件来突出显示,大卫的这个库非常适合它的目的!
2021-04-01 06:18:14
2021-04-09 06:18:14
@craphunter 您是否尝试过设置 CSS 大纲属性来做到这一点?
2021-04-13 06:18:14

如果您最终使用 JavaScript 完成任务,这里是一个跨浏览器代码片段,用于调整MAP元素中所有区域的大小

window.onload = function () {
    var ImageMap = function (map) {
            var n,
                areas = map.getElementsByTagName('area'),
                len = areas.length,
                coords = [],
                previousWidth = 1920;
            for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
                coords[n] = areas[n].coords.split(',');
            this.resize = function () {
                var n, m, clen,
                    x = document.body.clientWidth / previousWidth;
                for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
                    clen = coords[n].length;
                    for (m = 0; m < clen; m++) {
                        coords[n][m] *= x;
                    areas[n].coords = coords[n].join(',');
                previousWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
                return true;
            window.onresize = this.resize;
        imageMap = new ImageMap(document.getElementById('map_ID'));

previousWidth必须等于原始图像的宽度。您还需要在 HTML 中使用一些相对单位:

<div style="width:100%;">
<img id="Image-Maps_5201211070133251" src="Site.png" usemap="#Image-Maps_5201211070133251" border="0" width="100%" alt="" />

jsFiddle 的工作演示如果在 IE 中打开 fiddle,AREA单击它们时实际上可以看到s。

@Steve 只需使用答案中的代码即可。"previousWidth必须等于原始图像的宽度。" 答案中的措辞可能有点糟糕,previousWidth是您最初为area元素创建坐标时图像的宽度
2021-03-18 06:18:14
好的,我在这里发布了一个问题: stackoverflow.com/questions/23752408/...
2021-03-23 06:18:14
@ultrazoid 在您的问题中,您说图像将根据MAP窗口调整大小,如果图像的大小与窗口的大小有关,则代码将在调整窗口大小时调整大小。
2021-03-29 06:18:14
@Steve 你有没有注意到 Barry 的问题和我的回答该答案中引入的一些更改使 ImageMapper 更加通用。
2021-04-05 06:18:14
很好,一个不使用 jQuery 的解决方案!谢谢!
2021-04-08 06:18:14


class ResponsiveImageMap {
    constructor(map, img, width) {
        this.img = img;
        this.originalWidth = width;
        this.areas = [];

        for (const area of map.getElementsByTagName('area')) {
                element: area,
                originalCoords: area.coords.split(',')

        window.addEventListener('resize', e => this.resize(e));

    resize() {
        const ratio = this.img.offsetWidth / this.originalWidth;

        for (const area of this.areas) {
            const newCoords = [];
            for (const originalCoord of area.originalCoords) {
                newCoords.push(Math.round(originalCoord * ratio));
            area.element.coords = newCoords.join(',');

        return true;


var map = document.getElementById('myMapId');
var image = document.getElementById('myImageId');
new ResponsiveImageMap(map, image, 800);


<img id="paredea" usemap="#PAREDE-A"  src="https://i.imgur.com/o9nrUMR.png">

    <map name="PAREDE-A">
        <area id="paredea0" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia A')">
        <area id="paredea1" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia B')">
        <area id="paredea2" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia C')">
        <area id="paredea3" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia D')">
        <area id="paredea4" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia E')"> 

        <area id="paredea5" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('comeia F')">
        <area id="paredea6" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia G')">
        <area id="paredea7" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia H')">
        <area id="paredea8" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia I')">
        <area id="paredea9" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia J')">  

        <area id="paredea10" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia K')">
        <area id="paredea11" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia L')">
        <area id="paredea12" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia M')">
        <area id="paredea13" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia N')">
        <area id="paredea14" shape="rect"  onclick="alert('colmeia O')">  


        var coordsA = [];
        coordsA[0] = "0,0,200,130";
        coordsA[1] = "200,0,400,130";
        coordsA[2] = "400,0,600,130";
        coordsA[3] = "600,0,800,130";
        coordsA[4] = "800,0,1000,130";

        coordsA[5] = "0,160,200,240";
        coordsA[6] = "200,160,400,240";
        coordsA[7] = "400,160,600,240";
        coordsA[8] = "600,160,800,240";
        coordsA[9] = "800,160,1000,240";

        coordsA[10] = "0,270,200,400";
        coordsA[11] = "200,270,400,400";
        coordsA[12] = "400,270,600,400";
        coordsA[13] = "600,270,800,400";
        coordsA[14] = "800,270,1000,400";

        function setcoords(areaid, totalOfAreas) {
            document.getElementById('paredea').style.width = "auto";
            var width1 = document.getElementById('paredea').width;
            document.getElementById('paredea').style.width = "100%";
            var width2 = document.getElementById('paredea').width;
            var ratio = width2 / width1;

            for (var i = 0; i < totalOfAreas; i++) {
                var temp = coordsA[i].split(",");
                var newcoords = "";
                for (var j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) {
                    temp[j] *= ratio;
                    newcoords += temp[j] + ",";
                newcoords = newcoords.substr(0, newcoords.length - 1);

                document.getElementById(areaid + i).coords = newcoords;

       window.onload = function () {
            setcoords("paredea", 15);

        window.onresize = function () {
            setcoords("paredea", 15);

这是我最简单的解决方案。不需要 jquery 或任何插件。注意,此解决方案不处理标记中的任何错误,或未按比例调整大小的图像。

function mapResizer(maps) {
    if (!maps) {maps = document.getElementsByTagName('map');}
    for (const map of maps) {
        map.img = document.querySelectorAll(`[usemap="#${map.name}"]`)[0];
        map.areas = map.getElementsByTagName('area');
        for (const area of map.areas) {
            area.coordArr = area.coords.split(',');
    function resizeMaps() {
        for (const map of maps) {
            const scale = map.img.offsetWidth / (map.img.naturalWidth || map.img.width);
            for (const area of map.areas) {
                area.coords = area.coordArr.map(coord => Math.round(coord * scale)).join(',');
    window.addEventListener('resize', () => resizeMaps());
if (document.readyState == 'complete') {
} else {
    window.addEventListener('load', () => mapResizer());