我在jQuery UI对话框中使用 IFRAME 。不同的用法需要做一些调整。这似乎对我(目前)在 Internet Explorer 8 和 Firefox 3.5 中有用。它可能需要一些额外的调整,但总体思路应该很清楚。
function onLoadDialog(frame) {
try {
var body = frame.contentDocument.body;
var $body = $(body);
var $frame = $(frame);
var contentDiv = frame.parentNode;
var $contentDiv = $(contentDiv);
var savedShow = $contentDiv.dialog('option', 'show');
var position = $contentDiv.dialog('option', 'position');
// disable show effect to enable re-positioning (UI bug?)
$contentDiv.dialog('option', 'show', null);
// show dialog, otherwise sizing won't work
// Maximize frame width in order to determine minimal scrollHeight
$frame.css('width', $contentDiv.dialog('option', 'maxWidth') -
contentDiv.offsetWidth + frame.offsetWidth);
var minScrollHeight = body.scrollHeight;
var maxWidth = body.offsetWidth;
var minWidth = 0;
// decrease frame width until scrollHeight starts to grow (wrapping)
while (Math.abs(maxWidth - minWidth) > 10) {
var width = minWidth + Math.ceil((maxWidth - minWidth) / 2);
$body.css('width', width);
if (body.scrollHeight > minScrollHeight) {
minWidth = width;
} else {
maxWidth = width;
$frame.css('width', maxWidth);
// use maximum height to avoid vertical scrollbar (if possible)
var maxHeight = $contentDiv.dialog('option', 'maxHeight')
$frame.css('height', maxHeight);
$body.css('width', '');
// correct for vertical scrollbar (if necessary)
while (body.clientWidth < maxWidth) {
$frame.css('width', maxWidth + (maxWidth - body.clientWidth));
var minScrollWidth = body.scrollWidth;
var minHeight = Math.min(minScrollHeight, maxHeight);
// descrease frame height until scrollWidth decreases (wrapping)
while (Math.abs(maxHeight - minHeight) > 10) {
var height = minHeight + Math.ceil((maxHeight - minHeight) / 2);
$body.css('height', height);
if (body.scrollWidth < minScrollWidth) {
minHeight = height;
} else {
maxHeight = height;
$frame.css('height', maxHeight);
$body.css('height', '');
// reset widths to 'auto' where possible
$contentDiv.css('width', 'auto');
$contentDiv.css('height', 'auto');
$contentDiv.dialog('option', 'width', 'auto');
// re-position the dialog
$contentDiv.dialog('option', 'position', position);
// hide dialog
// restore show effect
$contentDiv.dialog('option', 'show', savedShow);
// open using show effect
// remove show effect for consecutive requests
$contentDiv.dialog('option', 'show', null);
//An error is raised if the IFrame domain != its container's domain
catch (e) {
window.status = 'Error: ' + e.number + '; ' + e.description;
alert('Error: ' + e.number + '; ' + e.description);