在用深度神经网络和树搜索掌握围棋游戏的论文中,AlphaGo 网络的输入特征包含一个常量平面和一个常量零平面,如下所示。
Feature #of planes Description
Stone colour 3 Player stone/opponent stone/empty
Ones 1 A constant plane filled with 1
Turns since 8 How many turns since a move was played
Liberties 8 Number of liberties (empty adjacent points)
Capture size 8 How many opponent stones would be captured
Self-atari size 8 How many of own stones would be captured
Liberties after move 8 Number of liberties after this move is played
Ladder capture 1 Whether a move at this point is a successful ladder capture
Ladder escape 1 Whether a move at this point is a successful ladder escape
Sensibleness 1 Whether a move is legal and does not fill its own eyes
Zeros 1 A constant plane filled with 0
Player color 1 Whether current player is black