直接从 JavaScript 访问 GET?

IT技术 php javascript get
2021-02-18 19:37:00

我想我可以使用 PHP$_GET从 JavaScript访问变量:

var to = $_GET['to'];
var from = $_GET['from'];
<script src="realScript" type="text/javascript"></script>





它将包含一个这样的字符串: ?foo=1&bar=2


var parts = window.location.search.substr(1).split("&");
var $_GET = {};
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
    var temp = parts[i].split("=");
    $_GET[decodeURIComponent(temp[0])] = decodeURIComponent(temp[1]);

alert($_GET['foo']); // 1
alert($_GET.bar);    // 2
decodeURIComponent, not unescape, 这将使+s 和所有非 ASCII 字符出错。
2021-04-17 19:37:00


<script type="text/javascript">

var $_GET = <?php echo json_encode($_GET); ?>;

// or

2021-05-01 19:37:00
此外,如果您打算将 PHP 注入到 JS 中,这几乎是最安全和最干净的方法。
2021-05-06 19:37:00

我知道这个话题很老,但我想分享我自己的针对 JavaScript 中的 $_GET 的 ES6 优化解决方案。似乎所有关于这个主题的更受欢迎的问题都被 SO 新手的贡献锁定了,所以这里是:


window.$_GET = location.search.substr(1).split("&").reduce((o,i)=>(u=decodeURIComponent,[k,v]=i.split("="),o[u(k)]=v&&u(v),o),{});

我很想把你们都链接到关于array.reduce()箭头函数逗号运算符解构赋值短电路评估的 MDN 文档,但是,唉,另一个 SO 新手限制。

对于像google.com/webhp?q=foo&hl=en&source=lnt&tbs=qdr%3Aw&sa=X&ved=&biw=12您有对象的 URL

$_GET = {
   q: "foo",
   hl: "en",
   source: "lnt",
   tbs: "qdr:w",
   sa: "X",
   ved: "",
   biw: "12"




window.$_GET = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
var value1 = $_GET.get('param1');
不知道我的实例是否是边缘情况,但我发现我必须使用“.href”而不是“.search”,例如:window.location.href.substr(1).split("&")。 reduce((o,i)=>(u=decodeURIComponent,[k,v]=i.split("="),o[u(k)]=v&&u(v),o),{});
2021-05-04 19:37:00


<script type="text/javascript">

    var to = "<?= $_GET['to']; ?>";
    var from = "<?= $_GET['from']; ?>";



您也需要确保在字符串中转义双引号 ;) 否则这是一个安全风险。
2021-05-09 19:37:00
你的意思是var to = \" ... \"
2021-05-13 19:37:00
document.get = function (d1,d2,d3) {
var divider1 = (d1 === undefined ? "?" : d1);
var divider2 = (d2 === undefined ? "&" : d2);
var divider3 = (d3 === undefined ? "=" : d3);
var url = window.location.href; //the current url
var pget = url.split(divider1)[1]; //slit the url and assign only the part after the divider 1
var pppget = {}; //define the contenitor object
if (pget.search(divider2) > -1) { //control if there is variable other than the first (?var1=a&var2=b) the var2 in this example
    var ppget = pget.split(divider2); //split the divider2 
    for (i = 0;i==ppget.lenght; i++) { //start a for and stop it when i == at object length
        if (ppget[i].search(divider3) > -1) { //control if is an empty var 
            psget = ppget[i].split(divider3);//if is split in 2 part using divider 3
            pppget[psget[0]] = psget[1];//assign to the object the value of first element and for value the second value  ex {var1=a,...}  
        } else {//if is a empty var (?var1&...)
            pppget[ppget[i]] = "";//assign only the value of first element with value a blank string
} else {//if the url don't contain other variable 
    if (pget.search(divider3) > -1) { //control if is an empty var 
        var ppget = pget.split(divider3);//if is split in 2 part using divider 3
        pppget[ppget[0]] = ppget[1];//assign to the object the value of first element and for value the second value  ex {var1=a}  
    } else {//if is a empty var (?var1)
        pppget[pget] = "";//assign only the value of first element with value a blank string
return pppget;
/* return the object 
 * the use of the function is like this $_GET=document.get()
 * echo $_GET[var]
 * or use custom divider the default is setted for php standard divider
2021-05-05 19:37:00