从浏览器扩展调用网页 JavaScript 方法

IT技术 javascript jquery cross-domain browser-plugin firefox-addon-webextensions
2021-02-18 21:53:56


我必须在站点上单击大约 50-60 个按钮来更新任务状态。单击此按钮后,网页将调用网页的updTask(id)JavaScript 函数,然后调用 Web 服务来更新任务。



"permissions": [
    "cross-domain-content": ["http://workdomain.com/","http://workdomain.org/","http://www.workdomain.com/","http://www.workdomain.org/"]


function taskUpdate(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  console.log(request.start + 'inside task update');

function updateTask(id) {
  //TODO: code to get all buttons and task id's
  updTask(id);  // Not working


document.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  if (e.target.classList.contains("startButton")) {

    chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {
      file: "/content_scripts/taskUpdate.js"

    chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
      chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {start: "start"});
  else if (e.target.classList.contains("clear")) {




由于您的内容脚本与页面脚本位于不同的上下文中,因此您无法从内容脚本直接访问在页面脚本中定义的函数和变量。您可以通过几种不同的方式访问页面上下文中的信息。这样做的跨浏览器方法是使代码的某些特定部分在页面上下文中执行。我发现最方便且跨浏览器兼容的方法是创建一个<script>元素并将其插入到包含您要执行的代码的页面的 DOM 中。


function updateTask(id) {
    let newScript = document.createElement('script');
    newScript.innerHTML='updTask(' + id + ');';
    //newScript.remove(); //Can be removed, if desired.

添加的脚本在页面上下文中运行,因为它现在是<script>DOM 中的一个元素。一旦插入<script>元素的脚本不再处理,浏览器就会识别出添加元素并对其进行评估(执行包含的代码)。它对您添加到 DOM 的任何其他元素执行基本相同的操作。因为它是页面的一部分,所以里面的代码在页面脚本上下文/范围中运行。





此实用程序函数executeInPage()将在页面上下文中执行一个函数并将任何提供的参数传递给该函数。参数必须是Object, Array, function, RegExp,Date和/或其他原语Boolean, null, undefined , Number, String, 但不是Symbol)。

/* executeInPage takes a function defined in this context, converts it to a string
 *  and inserts it into the page context inside a <script>. It is placed in an IIFE and
 *  passed all of the additional parameters passed to executeInPage.
 *  Parameters:
 *    func          The function which you desire to execute in the page. 
 *    leaveInPage   If this does not evaluate to a truthy value, then the <script> is
 *                    immediately removed from the page after insertion. Immediately
 *                    removing the script can normally be done. In some corner cases,
 *                    it's desirable for the script to remain in the page. However,
 *                    even for asynchronous functionality it's usually not necessary, as
 *                    the context containing the code will be kept with any references
 *                    (e.g. the reference to a callback function).
 *    id            If this is a non-blank string, it is used as the ID for the <script>
 *    All additional parameters   are passed to the function executing in the page.
 *                    This is done by converting them to JavaScript code-text and back.
 *                    All such parameters must be Object, Array, functions, RegExp,
 *                    Date, and/or other primitives (Boolean, null, undefined, Number,
 *                    String, but not Symbol). Circular references are not supported.
 *                    If you need to communicate DOM elements, you will need to
 *                    pass selectors, or other descriptors of them (e.g. temporarily
 *                    assign them a unique class), or otherwise communicate them to the
 *                    script (e.g. you could dispatch a custom event once the script is
 *                    inserted into the page context).
function executeInPage(functionToRunInPage, leaveInPage, id) {
    //Execute a function in the page context.
    // Any additional arguments passed to this function are passed into the page to the
    // functionToRunInPage.
    // Such arguments must be JSON-ifiable (also Date, Function, and RegExp) (prototypes
    // are not copied).
    // Using () => doesn't set arguments, so can't use it to define this function.
    // This has to be done without jQuery, as jQuery creates the script
    // within this context, not the page context, which results in
    // permission denied to run the function.
    function convertToText(args) {
        //This uses the fact that the arguments are converted to text which is
        //  interpreted within a <script>. That means we can create other types of
        //  objects by recreating their normal JavaScript representation.
        //  It's actually easier to do this without JSON.strigify() for the whole
        //  Object/Array.
        var asText = '';
        var level = 0;
        function lineSeparator(adj, isntLast) {
            level += adj - ((typeof isntLast === 'undefined' || isntLast) ? 0 : 1);
            asText += (isntLast ? ',' : '') +'\n'+ (new Array(level * 2 + 1)).join('');
        function recurseObject(obj) {
            if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
                asText += '[';
                obj.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
                    lineSeparator(0, index !== array.length - 1);
                asText += ']';
            } else if (obj === null) {
                asText +='null';
            } else if (obj === void(0)) {
                asText +='void(0)';
            //Special cases for Number
            } else if (Number.isNaN(obj)) {
                asText +='Number.NaN';
            } else if (obj === 1/0) {
                asText +='1/0';
            } else if (obj === 1/-0) {
                asText +='1/-0';
            } else if (obj instanceof RegExp || typeof obj === 'function') {
                asText +=  obj.toString();
            } else if (obj instanceof Date) {
                asText += 'new Date("' + obj.toJSON() + '")';
            } else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
                asText += '{';
                Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(prop, index, array) {
                    asText += JSON.stringify(prop) + ': ';
                    lineSeparator(0, index !== array.length - 1);
                asText += '}';
            } else if (['boolean', 'number', 'string'].indexOf(typeof obj) > -1) {
                asText += JSON.stringify(obj);
            } else {
                console.log('Didn\'t handle: typeof obj:', typeof obj, '::  obj:', obj);
        return asText;
    var newScript = document.createElement('script');
    if(typeof id === 'string' && id) {
        newScript.id = id;
    var args = [];
    //using .slice(), or other Array methods, on arguments prevents optimization
    for(var index=3;index<arguments.length;index++){
    newScript.textContent = '(' + functionToRunInPage.toString() + ').apply(null,'
                            + convertToText(args) + ");";
    (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(newScript);
    if(!leaveInPage) {
        //Synchronous scripts are executed immediately and can be immediately removed.
        //Scripts with asynchronous functionality of any type must remain in the page
        //  until complete.
    return newScript;


function logInPageContext(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3){
    console.log('arg0:', arg0);
    console.log('arg1:', arg1);
    console.log('arg2:', arg2);
    console.log('arg3:', arg3);

executeInPage(logInPageContext, false, '', 'This', 'is', 'a', 'test');

/* executeInPage takes a function defined in this context, converts it to a string
 *  and inserts it into the page context inside a <script>. It is placed in an IIFE and
 *  passed all of the additional parameters passed to executeInPage.
 *  Parameters:
 *    func          The function which you desire to execute in the page. 
 *    leaveInPage   If this does not evaluate to a truthy value, then the <script> is
 *                    immediately removed from the page after insertion. Immediately
 *                    removing the script can normally be done. In some corner cases,
 *                    it's desirable for the script to remain in the page. However,
 *                    even for asynchronous functionality it's usually not necessary, as
 *                    the context containing the code will be kept with any references
 *                    (e.g. the reference to a callback function).
 *    id            If this is a non-blank string, it is used as the ID for the <script>
 *    All additional parameters   are passed to the function executing in the page.
 *                    This is done by converting them to JavaScript code-text and back.
 *                    All such parameters must be Object, Array, functions, RegExp,
 *                    Date, and/or other primitives (Boolean, null, undefined, Number,
 *                    String, but not Symbol). Circular references are not supported.
 *                    If you need to communicate DOM elements, you will need to
 *                    pass selectors, or other descriptors of them (e.g. temporarily
 *                    assign them a unique class), or otherwise communicate them to the
 *                    script (e.g. you could dispatch a custom event once the script is
 *                    inserted into the page context).
function executeInPage(functionToRunInPage, leaveInPage, id) {
    //Execute a function in the page context.
    // Any additional arguments passed to this function are passed into the page to the
    // functionToRunInPage.
    // Such arguments must be JSON-ifiable (also Date, Function, and RegExp) (prototypes
    // are not copied).
    // Using () => doesn't set arguments, so can't use it to define this function.
    // This has to be done without jQuery, as jQuery creates the script
    // within this context, not the page context, which results in
    // permission denied to run the function.
    function convertToText(args) {
        //This uses the fact that the arguments are converted to text which is
        //  interpreted within a <script>. That means we can create other types of
        //  objects by recreating their normal JavaScript representation.
        //  It's actually easier to do this without JSON.strigify() for the whole
        //  Object/Array.
        var asText = '';
        var level = 0;
        function lineSeparator(adj, isntLast) {
            level += adj - ((typeof isntLast === 'undefined' || isntLast) ? 0 : 1);
            asText += (isntLast ? ',' : '') +'\n'+ (new Array(level * 2 + 1)).join('');
        function recurseObject(obj) {
            if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
                asText += '[';
                obj.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
                    lineSeparator(0, index !== array.length - 1);
                asText += ']';
            } else if (obj === null) {
                asText +='null';
            } else if (obj === void(0)) {
                asText +='void(0)';
            //Special cases for Number
            } else if (Number.isNaN(obj)) {
                asText +='Number.NaN';
            } else if (obj === 1/0) {
                asText +='1/0';
            } else if (obj === 1/-0) {
                asText +='1/-0';
            } else if (obj instanceof RegExp || typeof obj === 'function') {
                asText +=  obj.toString();
            } else if (obj instanceof Date) {
                asText += 'new Date("' + obj.toJSON() + '")';
            } else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
                asText += '{';
                Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(prop, index, array) {
                    asText += JSON.stringify(prop) + ': ';
                    lineSeparator(0, index !== array.length - 1);
                asText += '}';
            } else if (['boolean', 'number', 'string'].indexOf(typeof obj) > -1) {
                asText += JSON.stringify(obj);
            } else {
                console.log('Didn\'t handle: typeof obj:', typeof obj, '::  obj:', obj);
        return asText;
    var newScript = document.createElement('script');
    if(typeof id === 'string' && id) {
        newScript.id = id;
    var args = [];
    //using .slice(), or other Array methods, on arguments prevents optimization
    for(var index=3;index<arguments.length;index++){
    newScript.textContent = '(' + functionToRunInPage.toString() + ').apply(null,'
                            + convertToText(args) + ");";
    (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(newScript);
    if(!leaveInPage) {
        //Synchronous scripts are executed immediately and can be immediately removed.
        //Scripts with asynchronous functionality of any type must remain in the page
        //  until complete.
    return newScript;

这个答案的文字主要取自我的其他答案:this onethis one

2021-04-17 21:53:56
@Hitin,访问弹出窗口中的控件是通过单独文件中的 JavaScript 完成的,并包含在带有<script>. Google 的“选项”页面包括 HTML 和 JavaScript,它们与弹出窗口同样有效(只需添加一个browser_actionwith "default_popup": "options.html")。
2021-04-20 21:53:56
我的意思是 popup.html 中的控件(我在其中定义插件的 UI)。我将把第一个任务的 ID 放在 textBox 中,然后在按钮上单击开始任务,带有 ID 的按钮是起点。
2021-04-22 21:53:56
2021-05-06 21:53:56

我今天遇到了一个类似的问题,我的 webextension 必须调用一个只能从特定网页的上下文访问的 javascript 函数,我有点恼火我应该做所有的脚本注入和 json 序列化等等。但实际上有一个非常简单的解决方案:


eval 将在页面上下文而不是内容脚本中执行您传递给它的任何代码。

是的,我知道 eval 是邪恶的,但在这种情况下它确实有道理,因为我想做的事情(在网页的上下文中执行任意代码)根据定义是邪恶这就像用正则表达式解析 HTML;一旦你到了那个时候,你就被玷污了。此外,您终于摆脱了编写被认为合法的代码的负担。所以让我们拥抱 eval,就这一次 ;)