对象是否在 javascript 深拷贝或浅拷贝中推入数组?

IT技术 javascript arrays push
2021-03-16 01:35:56

非常不言自明的问题...当在 javascript 中的数组上使用 .push() 时,推入数组的对象是指针(浅)还是实际对象(深),而不管类型如何




var array = [];
var x = 4;
let y = {name: "test", type: "data", data: "2-27-2009"};

// primitive value pushes a copy of the value 4
array.push(x);                // push value of 4
x = 5;                        // change x to 5
console.log(array[0]);        // array still contains 4 because it's a copy

// object reference pushes a reference
array.push(y);                // put object y reference into the array
y.name = "foo";               // change y.name property
console.log(array[1].name);   // logs changed value "foo" because it's a reference    

// object reference pushes a reference but object can still be referred to even though original variable is no longer within scope
if (true) {
    let z = {name: "test", type: "data", data: "2-28-2019"};

console.log(array[2].name);   // log shows value "test" since the pointer reference via the array is still within scope
2021-05-02 01:35:56

jfriend00 在这里恰到好处,但有一个小小的澄清:这并不意味着您不能更改您的变量所指向的内容。也就是说,y最初引用了您放入数组中的某个变量,但是您随后可以获取名为 的变量y,将其与现在数组中的对象断开连接,并连接y(即,使其引用)完全不同的东西,而无需更改对象现在仅由数组引用


var array = [];
var x = 4;
var y = {name: "test", type: "data", data: "2-27-2009"};

// 1.) pushes a copy
x = 5;
document.write(array[0] + "<br>");    // alerts 4 because it's a copy

// 2.) pushes a reference
y.name = "foo";

// 3.) Disconnects y and points it at a new object
y = {}; 
y.name = 'bar';
document.write(array[1].name + ' :: ' + y.name + "<br>");   
// alerts "foo :: bar" because y was a reference, but then 
// the reference was moved to a new object while the 
// reference in the array stayed the same (referencing the 
// original object)

// 4.) Uses y's original reference, stored in the array,
// to access the old object.
array[1].name = 'foobar';
document.write(array[1].name + "<br>");
// alerts "foobar" because you used the array to point to 
// the object that was initially in y.
2021-04-25 01:35:56
抱歉@Travis - SO 的附带损害没有其他方式让我与最近一两周来的匿名投票者进行交流。我没想到它来自你,尤其是。与您的积极评价。抱歉,您收到了不幸的垃圾邮件,感谢您关注您的问题!
2021-05-03 01:35:56
这实际上是我的一个误解。我的错。您的评论显示在我的通知中,我认为它是针对我的,因为我没有意识到作为 OP 所有评论都显示为通知。
2021-05-03 01:35:56
2021-05-04 01:35:56
2021-05-14 01:35:56