看起来都是分类预测变量,并且您有兴趣将所有时间/基因型对相互比较,那么您可以只创建一个交互变量,并在其上使用 Tukey 对比:
weights$TimeGeno <- interaction(weigths$Time, weights$Geno)
model <- lme(weight ~ TimeGeno, random = ~1|Animal/time, data=weights)
comp.timegeno <- glht(model, linfct=mcp(TimeGeno="Tukey"))
参数可以为对比采用系数矩阵这一事实 - 这样您就可以准确地设置您想要的比较。
预测器的原始模型不同Time * Genotype
> # extract a subset of a built-in dataset for the example
> data(BodyWeight)
> ex <- as.data.frame(subset(BodyWeight, Time %in% c(1, 22, 44)))
> ex$Time <- factor(ex$Time)
> #create interaction variable
> ex$TimeDiet <- interaction(ex$Time, ex$Diet)
> model1 <- lme(weight ~ Time * Diet, random = ~1|Rat/Time, data=ex)
> model2 <- lme(weight ~ TimeDiet, random = ~1|Rat/Time, data=ex)
> # the degrees of freedom, AIC, BIC, log-likelihood are all the same
> anova(model1, model2)
Model df AIC BIC logLik
model1 1 12 367.4266 387.3893 -171.7133
model2 2 12 367.4266 387.3893 -171.7133
Warning message:
In anova.lme(model1, model2) :
fitted objects with different fixed effects. REML comparisons are not meaningful.
> # the second model collapses the main and interaction effects of the first model
> anova(model1)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 26 1719.5059 <.0001
Time 2 26 28.9986 <.0001
Diet 2 13 85.3659 <.0001
Time:Diet 4 26 1.7610 0.1671
> anova(model2)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 24 1719.5059 <.0001
TimeDiet 8 24 29.4716 <.0001
> # they give the same predicted values
> newdata <- expand.grid(Time=levels(ex$Time), Diet=levels(ex$Diet))
> newdata$TimeDiet <- interaction(newdata$Time, newdata$Diet)
> newdata$pred1 <- predict(model1, newdata=newdata, level=0)
> newdata$pred2 <- predict(model2, newdata=newdata, level=0)
> newdata
Time Diet TimeDiet pred1 pred2
1 1 1 1.1 250.625 250.625
2 22 1 22.1 261.875 261.875
3 44 1 44.1 267.250 267.250
4 1 2 1.2 453.750 453.750
5 22 2 22.2 475.000 475.000
6 44 2 44.2 488.750 488.750
7 1 3 1.3 508.750 508.750
8 22 3 22.3 518.250 518.250
9 44 3 44.3 530.000 530.000