您正在谈论的功能是 window.onbeforeunload 事件,不幸的是,可以自定义它的唯一方法是为用户提供自定义字符串消息,因为滥用的可能性非常高。
Internet Explorer 的 msdn 上的 api 参考指出:
The default statement that appears in the dialog box, "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? ... Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.", cannot be removed or altered.
我认为这意味着无法更改对话框本身,您所能做的就是提供额外的特定于上下文的消息。我找不到 Chrome 的相同参考,但那里似乎是同一个故事。
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
//all you can do is provide a message..
return "you have unsaved changes, if you leave they will be lost";