当指令被销毁时(例如:路由更改时),我扩展了@Anders 答案以清理侦听器(解除绑定列表),并添加了一些语法糖来概括用法。
* @name confirmOnExit
* @description
* Prompts user while he navigating away from the current route (or, as long as this directive
* is not destroyed) if any unsaved form changes present.
* @element Attribute
* @scope
* @param confirmOnExit Scope function which will be called on window refresh/close or AngularS $route change to
* decide whether to display the prompt or not.
* @param confirmMessageWindow Custom message to display before browser refresh or closed.
* @param confirmMessageRoute Custom message to display before navigating to other route.
* @param confirmMessage Custom message to display when above specific message is not set.
* @example
* Usage:
* Example Controller: (using controllerAs syntax in this example)
* angular.module('AppModule', []).controller('pageCtrl', [function () {
* this.isDirty = function () {
* // do your logic and return 'true' to display the prompt, or 'false' otherwise.
* return true;
* };
* }]);
* Template:
* <div confirm-on-exit="pageCtrl.isDirty()"
* confirm-message-window="All your changes will be lost."
* confirm-message-route="All your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to do this?">
* @see
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/28905954/340290
* @author Manikanta G
ngxDirectivesModule.directive('confirmOnExit', function() {
return {
scope: {
confirmOnExit: '&',
confirmMessageWindow: '@',
confirmMessageRoute: '@',
confirmMessage: '@'
link: function($scope, elem, attrs) {
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
if ($scope.confirmOnExit()) {
return $scope.confirmMessageWindow || $scope.confirmMessage;
var $locationChangeStartUnbind = $scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
if ($scope.confirmOnExit()) {
if(! confirm($scope.confirmMessageRoute || $scope.confirmMessage)) {
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
示例控制器:(在本示例中使用 controllerAs 语法)
angular.module('AppModule', []).controller('pageCtrl', [function () {
this.isDirty = function () {
// do your logic and return 'true' to display the prompt, or 'false' otherwise.
return true;
<div confirm-on-exit="pageCtrl.isDirty()"
confirm-message-window="All your changes will be lost."
confirm-message-route="All your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to do this?">