var data = new Array(1000000);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] = 1;
var blob = new Blob([data]);
var data = new Array(1000000);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] = 1;
var blob = new Blob([data]);
所有未在任何其他存储中明确表示的变量都存储在内存 (RAM) 中,并一直存在到程序结束或在您取消设置时(从内存中清除它)。
那么当 a
new Blob()
The Blob() constructor can be invoked with zero or more parameters. When the Blob() constructor is invoked, user agents must run the following Blob constructor steps:
[1] If invoked with zero parameters, return a new Blob object with its readability state set to OPENED, consisting of 0 bytes, with size set to 0, and with type set to the empty string.
[2] Otherwise, the constructor is invoked with a blobParts sequence. Let a be that sequence.
[3] Let bytes be an empty sequence of bytes.
[4] Let length be `a`s length. For 0 ≤ i < length, repeat the following steps:
1. Let element be the ith element of a.
2. If element is a DOMString, run the following substeps:
Let s be the result of converting element to a sequence of Unicode characters [Unicode] using the algorithm for doing so in WebIDL.
Encode s as UTF-8 and append the resulting bytes to bytes.
The algorithm from WebIDL [WebIDL] replaces unmatched surrogates in an invalid UTF-16 string with U+FFFD replacement characters. Scenarios exist when the Blob constructor may result in some data loss due to lost or scrambled character sequences.
3. If element is an ArrayBufferView [TypedArrays], convert it to a sequence of byteLength bytes from the underlying ArrayBuffer, starting at the byteOffset of the ArrayBufferView [TypedArrays], and append those bytes to bytes.
4. If element is an ArrayBuffer [TypedArrays], convert it to a sequence of byteLength bytes, and append those bytes to bytes.
5. If element is a Blob, append the bytes it represents to bytes. The type of the Blob array element is ignored.
[5] If the type member of the optional options argument is provided and is not the empty string, run the following sub-steps:
1. Let t be the type dictionary member. If t contains any characters outside the range U+0020 to U+007E, then set t to the empty string and return from these substeps.
2. Convert every character in t to lowercase using the "converting a string to ASCII lowercase" algorithm.
[6] Return a Blob object with its readability state set to OPENED, referring to bytes as its associated byte sequence, with its size set to the length of bytes, and its type set to the value of t from the substeps above.
. 它存储在 ram 中,就像窗口中声明的其他对象一样。
,我们可以看到它是如何物理存储在 ram 中的。这是一个示例 blob。
Refcount: 1
Status: BlobStatus::DONE: Blob built with no errors.
Content Type: application/javascript
Type: file
Path: /Users/Chetan/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/blob_storage/c7828dad-dd4f-44e6-b374-9239dbe35e35/0
Modification Time: Monday, June 5, 2017 at 4:29:53 PM
Offset: 4,917,846
Length: 224,733
在打印 blob 的实际内容时,我们会得到一个普通的 js 文件。
$ cat c7828dad-dd4f-44e6-b374-9239dbe35e35/0
html {
font-family: sans-serif;
/* 1 */
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
/* 2 */
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
/* 2 */ }
* Remove default margin.
body {
margin: 0; }
Blob 代表一组可以存在于任何地方的数据。该文件API规范故意不提供阅读的Blob的任何内容同步方式。
,Blob 的内容至少会在内存中存在一段时间。<input type="file">
,Blob 的内容位于磁盘上,位于用户选择的文件中。规范提到了快照,但没有实现,因为它会给用户操作增加很多延迟。在 Chrome 中,我们使用多进程架构,其中浏览器进程拥有所有活动 Blob 的中央注册表,并作为 Blob 内容的真实来源。在渲染器中(通过 JavaScript)创建 Blob 时,其内容将通过 IPC、共享内存或临时文件移动到浏览器进程,具体取决于 Blob 的大小。浏览器进程也可能将内存中的 Blob 内容驱逐到临时文件中。上一个答案中提到的 500mb 限制在 2016 年左右解除。更多实现细节在Chrome 的 Blob 子系统的自述文件中。
Blob 存储在内存中。在浏览器 blob 存储中。如果你创建了一个 blob 对象,你可以在 Firefox memory profiler(about:memory) 中检查它。firefox 输出的一个例子,在这里我们可以看到,选定的文件。Blob 和文件之间存在差异。Blob 存储在内存中,文件存储在文件系统中。
651.04 MB (100.0%) -- explicit
├──430.49 MB (66.12%) -- dom
│ ├──428.99 MB (65.89%) -- memory-file-data
│ │ ├──428.93 MB (65.88%) -- large
│ │ │ ├────4.00 MB (00.61%) ── file(length=2111596, sha1=b95ccd8d05cb3e7a4038ec5db1a96d206639b740)
│ │ │ ├────4.00 MB (00.61%) ── file(length=2126739, sha1=15edd5bb2a17675ae3f314538b2ec16f647e75d7)
谷歌浏览器有一个错误。Chrome 有 blob 限制。当您创建的 blob 总量超过 500mb 时。浏览器将停止创建 blob,因为 blob 存储已达到 500mb 的限制。避免这种情况的唯一方法是将 blob 写入 IndexDb 并从 IndexDb 中删除。当 blob 写入 indexDb 时,blob 对象将自动保存到文件系统(blob 将转换为文件)。在您停止使用 blob 或使 blob = null 后,它们将使用垃圾收集器从内存中清除。但是 GC 会在一段时间后删除 blob,而不是立即删除。