将服务器连接到 Stratix 5400 时丢失连接?

网络工程 以太网 生成树 局域网
2022-02-20 16:28:21

我有一个问题,当将服务器连接到 Stratix 5400 时,Stratix 会失去连接几秒钟,这会导致线路出现安全故障,因为我们有安全 PLC 的帮助。

,Software verison is 15.2 (non crypto)
,STP setting: MSTP
,VTP mode:Transparent
,Vlan Management: Default and all of the used posrts are in
,Port type: I tried both Trunk and Dynamic auto but same issue


! Last configuration change at 06:19:25 UTC Tue Apr 13 2021 by admin 
! NVRAM config last updated at 06:19:25 UTC Tue Apr 13 2021 by admin 
version 15.2 
service nagle 
no service pad 
service tcp-keepalives-in 
service tcp-keepalives-out 
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone 
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone 
service password-encryption 
service unsupported-transceiver 
no service dhcp 
hostname L04_BLISS 
logging buffered 16384 
no logging console 
enable secret level 1 5 $1$lyxC$gX/xJyzgZZbvAto5ghwZw/ 
enable secret 5 $1$49To$3.3hDvkcE7/S6NcFp7IU.. 
username admin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$g.1c$hMMHErqIqYrad3FxxZuDh/ 
no aaa new-model 
system mtu routing 1500 
no ip source-route 
no ip domain-lookup 
ip igmp snooping querier 
vtp mode transparent 
udld aggressive 
ptp mode forward  
spanning-tree mode mst 
spanning-tree extend system-id 
cip security password 143206030916242E30 
errdisable recovery cause udld 
errdisable recovery cause bpduguard 
errdisable recovery cause security-violation 
errdisable recovery cause channel-misconfig 
errdisable recovery cause pagp-flap 
errdisable recovery cause link-flap 
errdisable recovery cause sfp-config-mismatch 
errdisable recovery cause gbic-invalid 
errdisable recovery cause l2ptguard 
errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation 
errdisable recovery cause port-mode-failure 
errdisable recovery cause dhcp-rate-limit 
errdisable recovery cause pppoe-ia-rate-limit 
errdisable recovery cause mac-limit 
errdisable recovery cause vmps 
errdisable recovery cause storm-control 
errdisable recovery cause inline-power 
errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection 
errdisable recovery cause link-monitor-failure 
errdisable recovery cause oam-remote-failure 
errdisable recovery cause loopback 
errdisable recovery cause small-frame 
errdisable recovery cause psp 
errdisable recovery interval 30 
alarm profile defaultPort 
 alarm not-operating  
 syslog not-operating  
 notifies not-operating  
alarm profile ab-alarm 
 alarm link-fault not-forwarding not-operating fcs-error  
 syslog link-fault not-forwarding not-operating fcs-error  
 notifies link-fault not-forwarding not-operating fcs-error  
 relay-major not-forwarding  
alarm facility power-supply rps disable 
alarm facility power-supply rps notifies 
alarm facility power-supply rps relay major 
alarm facility temperature secondary notifies 
alarm facility temperature secondary syslog 
alarm facility temperature secondary high 90 
alarm facility temperature secondary low 0 
vlan internal allocation policy ascending 
vlan 999 
 name VLAN0999  
vlan 1000  
class-map match-all 1588-PTP-General 
 match access-group 107 
class-map match-all 1588-PTP-Event 
 match access-group 106 
class-map match-all qos-group-2 
 match qos-group 2 
class-map match-all qos-group-0 
 match qos-group 0 
class-map match-all qos-group-1 
 match qos-group 1 
class-map match-all CIP-Implicit_dscp_any 
 match access-group 104 
class-map match-all CIP-Other 
 match access-group 105 
class-map match-all voip-data 
 match ip dscp ef  
class-map match-any voip-control 
 match ip dscp cs3  af31  
class-map match-all CIP-Implicit_dscp_43 
 match access-group 103 
class-map match-all CIP-Implicit_dscp_55 
 match access-group 101 
class-map match-all CIP-Implicit_dscp_47 
 match access-group 102 
policy-map Policymap-Output-Wireless 
 class qos-group-0 
  police 4000000 
 class qos-group-1 
  bandwidth percent 40  
 class qos-group-2 
  bandwidth percent 40  
 class class-default 
  bandwidth percent 16  
policy-map Voice-Map 
 class voip-data 
  police 320000 8000 conform-action set-qos-transmit 1 exceed-action set-qos-transmit 3 
 class voip-control 
  police 32000 8000 conform-action set-qos-transmit 2 exceed-action set-qos-transmit 3 
policy-map Output-accesspoint 
 class qos-group-0 
  police 4000000 
 class qos-group-1 
  bandwidth percent 19  
 class qos-group-2 
  bandwidth percent 40  
 class class-default 
  bandwidth percent 40  
policy-map Policymap-Output-Default 
 class qos-group-0 
  police 4000000 
 class qos-group-1 
  bandwidth percent 25  
 class qos-group-2 
  bandwidth percent 25  
 class class-default 
  bandwidth percent 25  
policy-map PTP-Event-Priority 
 class qos-group-0 
 class qos-group-1 
  bandwidth remaining percent 40  
 class qos-group-2 
  bandwidth remaining percent 40  
 class class-default 
  bandwidth remaining percent 20  
policy-map CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 class CIP-Implicit_dscp_55 
  set qos-group 1 
 class CIP-Implicit_dscp_47 
  set qos-group 1 
 class CIP-Implicit_dscp_43 
  set qos-group 1 
 class CIP-Implicit_dscp_any 
  set qos-group 2 
 class CIP-Other 
  set qos-group 2 
 class 1588-PTP-Event 
  set qos-group 0 
 class 1588-PTP-General 
  set qos-group 1 
policy-map Policymap-Output-Phone 
 class qos-group-0 
  police 4000000 
 class qos-group-1 
  bandwidth percent 60  
 class qos-group-2 
  bandwidth percent 20  
 class class-default 
  bandwidth percent 10  
macro global description ab-global | ab-password 
interface GigabitEthernet1/1 
 description BLISS 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/2 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/3 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/4 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/5 
 description PLC_PNL 
 switchport mode trunk 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/6 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/7 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/8 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/9 
 description Geo_A 
 switchport mode trunk 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/10 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/11 
 description Geo_B 
 switchport mode trunk 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/12 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/13 
 description Geo_C 
 switchport mode trunk 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/14 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/15 
 description Geo_D 
 switchport mode trunk 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/16 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/17 
 description Geo_E 
 switchport mode trunk 
 macro description switch-automation 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 spanning-tree link-type point-to-point 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/18 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/19 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface GigabitEthernet1/20 
 alarm profile ab-alarm 
 service-policy input CIP-PTP-Traffic 
 service-policy output Policymap-Output-Default 
interface Vlan1 
 ip address 
 cip enable 
interface Vlan999 
 no ip address 
ip forward-protocol nd 
ip http server 
ip http authentication local 
ip http session-idle-timeout 1200  
access-list 101 permit udp any eq 2222 any dscp 55 
access-list 102 permit udp any eq 2222 any dscp 47 
access-list 103 permit udp any eq 2222 any dscp 43 
access-list 104 permit udp any eq 2222 any 
access-list 105 permit udp any eq 44818 any 
access-list 105 permit tcp any eq 44818 any 
access-list 106 permit udp any eq 319 any 
access-list 107 permit udp any eq 320 any 
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart 
snmp-server enable traps transceiver all 
snmp-server enable traps call-home message-send-fail server-fail 
snmp-server enable traps tty 
snmp-server enable traps eigrp 
snmp-server enable traps ospf state-change 
snmp-server enable traps ospf errors 
snmp-server enable traps ospf retransmit 
snmp-server enable traps ospf lsa 
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change nssa-trans-change 
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change shamlink interface 
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change shamlink neighbor 
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific errors 
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific retransmit 
snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific lsa 
snmp-server enable traps license 
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm cc mep-up mep-down cross-connect loop config 
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm crosscheck mep-missing mep-unknown service-up 
snmp-server enable traps auth-framework sec-violation 
snmp-server enable traps bgp cbgp2 
snmp-server enable traps ether-oam 
snmp-server enable traps cef resource-failure peer-state-change peer-fib-state-change inconsistency 
snmp-server enable traps cluster 
snmp-server enable traps config-copy 
snmp-server enable traps config 
snmp-server enable traps config-ctid 
snmp-server enable traps trustsec-sxp conn-srcaddr-err msg-parse-err conn-config-err binding-err conn-up conn-down binding-expn-fail oper-nodeid-change binding-conflict 
snmp-server enable traps energywise 
snmp-server enable traps fru-ctrl 
snmp-server enable traps entity 
snmp-server enable traps event-manager 
snmp-server enable traps hsrp 
snmp-server enable traps ipmulticast 
snmp-server enable traps isis 
snmp-server enable traps msdp 
snmp-server enable traps ospfv3 state-change 
snmp-server enable traps ospfv3 errors 
snmp-server enable traps power-ethernet police 
snmp-server enable traps pim neighbor-change rp-mapping-change invalid-pim-message 
snmp-server enable traps cpu threshold 
snmp-server enable traps rep 
snmp-server enable traps ipsla 
snmp-server enable traps bridge newroot topologychange 
snmp-server enable traps stpx inconsistency root-inconsistency loop-inconsistency 
snmp-server enable traps syslog 
snmp-server enable traps vtp 
snmp-server enable traps vlancreate 
snmp-server enable traps vlandelete 
snmp-server enable traps flash insertion removal 
snmp-server enable traps port-security 
snmp-server enable traps envmon fan shutdown supply temperature status 
snmp-server enable traps stackwise 
snmp-server enable traps ethernet cfm alarm 
snmp-server enable traps alarms informational 
snmp-server enable traps bulkstat collection transfer 
snmp-server enable traps vrfmib vrf-up vrf-down vnet-trunk-up vnet-trunk-down 
snmp-server enable traps errdisable 
snmp-server enable traps mac-notification change move threshold 
snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership 
line con 0 
 login local 
line vty 0 4 
 login local 
 transport input none 
line vty 5 15 
 login local 
 transport input none 

此配置看起来很像 Cisco IOS 配置。您可以尝试使用全局spanning-tree portfast default全局命令。它只影响接入接口,不影响中继接口。或者,您可以尝试#spanning-tree portfast使用特定访问接口的 interface 命令。

Portfast 绕过 STP 阻塞、侦听和学习周期并直接进入转发,因此您不应该在具有交换机等流量的链路上使用它。

到 Stratix 的服务器在几秒钟内失去连接

(假设第 2 层连接丢失)

MSTP 处于活动状态,但尚未充分配置。



  • 通过将其优先级设置为 0 或 1(或 0 / 4096 以 4096 的倍数显示)来选择(中央)交换机作为根桥
  • 通过将其优先级设置为 2 或 3(或 8192 / 12288 为 4096 的倍数)来选择另一个交换机作为备份根桥
  • 使用Port Fast选项设置终端节点端口- 没有它,任何端口都会在链接或拓扑更改时被阻塞几秒钟
  • 可选择使用bdpu-guard选项保护最终用户端口- 当收到来自未经授权的交换机的 BPDU 时禁用端口
  • 使用root-guard选项保护从不通向根桥的所有端口
  • 使用tcn-guard选项保护所有未连接到其他交换机的端口
  • 使用bpdu-filter选项保护所有外部端口(尤其是 WAN)