DHCP 帮助 3560-CX + Aruba AP515

网络工程 思科 局域网 交换 dhcp 阿鲁巴岛
2022-02-21 16:29:14


VLAN 100 未从 AP 为 SSID 访客分配 IP 地址,但 Aruba 将 SSID 标记为 VLAN 100。如何让交换机分配 DHCP?在交换机上,似乎正确设置了 dhcp,但它从未将任何内容分配给将其正确标记到 vlan 100 的无线 AP。


当我在 mgmt ssid 上时,它能够看到交换机和其他 2 个交换机,但我认为 GUEST SSID 无法按预期访问(即使我设置了静态 IP)但无法获得 DHCP。

在我的无线 AP 上,我有以下配置:

virtual-controller-country US
name Home-VC
ntp-server time.google.com
clock timezone Central-Time -06 00
clock summer-time CDT recurring second sunday march 02:00 first sunday november 02:00
rf-band 5.0

allow-new-aps allowed-ap d0:15:a6:cb:0a:04 allowed-ap d0:15:a6:ca:f2:98

arm wide-bands 5ghz 80mhz-support min-tx-power 9 max-tx-power 127 band-steering-mode prefer-5ghz air-time-fairness-mode preferred-access channel-quality-aware-arm-disable client-aware scanning client-match slb-mode 3

rf dot11g-radio-profile max-distance 0 max-tx-power 9 min-tx-power 6 disable-arm-wids-functions off free-channel-index 40

rf dot11a-radio-profile max-distance 0 max-tx-power 18 min-tx-power 12 disable-arm-wids-functions off

syslog-level warn ap-debug syslog-level warn network syslog-level warn security syslog-level warn system syslog-level warn user syslog-level warn user-debug syslog-level warn wireless


wlan access-rule Data index 0 rule any any match any any any permit

wlan access-rule default_wired_port_profile index 1 rule any any match any any any permit

wlan access-rule wired-SetMeUp index 2 rule masterip match tcp 80 80 permit rule masterip match tcp 4343 4343 permit rule any any match udp 67 68 permit rule any any match udp 53 53 permit

wlan access-rule 1008-mgmt index 3 vlan 1 rule any any match any any any permit rule masterip match tcp 80 80 permit rule masterip match tcp 4343 4343 permit rule any any match udp 67 68 permit rule any any match udp 53 53 permit

wlan access-rule Guest index 4 vlan 100 rule any any match any any any permit rule any any match udp 67 68 permit rule any any match udp 53 53 permit rule any any match webcategory spam-urls deny rule any any match webcategory malware-sites deny rule any any match webcategory adult-and-pornography deny rule any any match webcategory dating deny rule any any match webcategory keyloggers-and-monitoring deny rule any any match webcategory gross deny rule any any match webcategory cheating deny rule any any match webcategory phishing-and-other-frauds deny rule any any match webcategory proxy-avoidance-and-anonymizers deny rule any any match webcategory spyware-and-adware deny rule any any match webcategory nudity deny rule any any match webcategory bot-nets deny rule any any match webcategory hate-and-racism deny rule any any match webcategory violence deny rule any any match webcategory gambling deny

wlan access-rule Any index 5 rule any any match any any any permit

wlan ssid-profile Data enable index 0 type employee essid Data opmode wpa3-sae-aes max-authentication-failures 0 vlan 90 rf-band all captive-portal disable dtim-period 1 broadcast-filter arp dmo-channel-utilization-threshold 90 local-probe-req-thresh 0 max-clients-threshold 64 dot11v

wlan ssid-profile 1008-mgmt enable index 1 type employee essid 1008-mgmt opmode wpa3-sae-aes max-authentication-failures 0 vlan 1 rf-band all captive-portal disable dtim-period 1 broadcast-filter arp dmo-channel-utilization-threshold 90 local-probe-req-thresh 0 max-clients-threshold 64 dot11v

wlan ssid-profile Guest enable index 2 type employee essid Guest opmode opensystem max-authentication-failures 0 vlan 100 rf-band all captive-portal disable dtim-period 1 broadcast-filter none content-filtering dmo-channel-utilization-threshold 90 local-probe-req-thresh 0 max-clients-threshold 64

auth-survivability cache-time-out 24



wlan captive-portal background-color 16777215 banner-color 16750848 banner-text "Welcome to Guest Network" terms-of-use "This network is not secure, and use is at your own risk" use-policy "Please read terms and conditions before using Guest Network"

wlan external-captive-portal server localhost port 80 url "/" auth-text "Authenticated" auto-whitelist-disable https

blacklist-time 3600 auth-failure-blacklist-time 3600

ids wireless-containment none infrastructure-detection-level high client-detection-level high infrastructure-protection-level low client-protection-level low

ip dhcp Guest server-type Centralized,L2 disable-split-tunnel server-vlan 100

wired-port-profile wired-SetMeUp switchport-mode access allowed-vlan all native-vlan guest no shutdown access-rule-name wired-SetMeUp speed auto duplex auto no poe type guest captive-portal disable no dot1x

wired-port-profile default_wired_port_profile switchport-mode trunk allowed-vlan all native-vlan 1 no shutdown access-rule-name default_wired_port_profile speed auto duplex full no poe type employee auth-server InternalServer captive-portal disable no dot1x

enet0-port-profile default_wired_port_profile

uplink preemption enforce none failover-internet-pkt-lost-cnt 10 failover-internet-pkt-send-freq 30 failover-vpn-timeout 180

airgroup disable

airgroupservice airplay disable description AirPlay

airgroupservice airprint disable description AirPrint

cluster-security allow-low-assurance-devices


Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4310 bytes ! ! Last configuration change at 02:16:14 UTC Wed Apr 7 2021 by admin ! NVRAM config last updated at 02:06:33 UTC Wed Apr 7 2021 by admin ! version 15.2 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption service dhcp ! hostname Switch ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! no aaa new-model switch 1 provision ws-c3560cx-12pd-s system mtu routing 1500 ! ! ! ! ip routing no ip dhcp relay information check ! ip dhcp pool guest-0100 network lease 0 0 1 ! ip dhcp pool mgmt-010 network default-router lease 0 0 1 ! ! ip igmp snooping vlan 10 last-member-query-count 2 ip igmp snooping vlan 10 last-member-query-interval 1000 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2991811840 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2991811840 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2991811840 ! !

! spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst spanning-tree extend system-id lacp system-priority 1000 ! ! ! ! ! vlan configuration 100 no ip igmp snooping vlan internal allocation policy ascending vlan group Guest vlan-list 100 vlan group mgmt-0010 vlan-list 10 ! lldp run ! ! ! interface Port-channel1 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 lacp port-priority 1000 channel-group 1 mode active ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11 flowcontrol receive desired spanning-tree portfast edge ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12 flowcontrol receive desired spanning-tree portfast edge ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13 switchport port-security violation shutdown vlan flowcontrol receive desired spanning-tree portfast network ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14 switchport mode trunk ip dhcp relay information trusted spanning-tree portfast edge ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16 ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/1 ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/2 ! interface Vlan1 ip address ! interface Vlan10 description mgmt ip address pool mgmt-010 ! interface Vlan100 description Guest ip dhcp relay information trusted ip address pool guest-0100 ! ip default-gateway ip forward-protocol nd ! ip http server ip http banner ip http authentication local ip http secure-server ip http path flash:CCP-CATALYST ! ! ! ! ! line con 0 line vty 0 4 login transport input ssh line vty 5 15 login transport input ssh end


您需要为 VLAN 100 SVI 分配一个 IP 地址作为网关地址。DHCP 将根据接口地址从正确的池中自动为寻址接口分配 DHCP。您还需要在池中拥有网关地址。您可能还想在 DHCP 池中定义 DNS 服务器。

ip dhcp pool guest-0100
 dns-server            ! Example of using the Google DNS server
 lease 0 0 1
interface Vlan100
 description Guest
 ip address

此外,切勿ip default-gateway在启用了路由的设备上使用该命令。您创建一个默认路由:

ip route <next hop address>

思科有一个解释差异的文档:使用 IP 命令配置最后的网关

ip default-gateway命令与其他两个命令不同只有在 Cisco 路由器上禁用ip 路由时才应使用它。