在 Matlab 中:
help cholupdate
CHOLUPDATE Rank 1 update to Cholesky factorization.
If R = CHOL(A) is the original Cholesky factorization of A, then
R1 = CHOLUPDATE(R,X) returns the upper triangular Cholesky factor of A + X*X',
where X is a column vector of appropriate length. CHOLUPDATE uses only the
diagonal and upper triangle of R. The lower triangle of R is ignored.
R1 = CHOLUPDATE(R,X,'+') is the same as R1 = CHOLUPDATE(R,X).
R1 = CHOLUPDATE(R,X,'-') returns the Cholesky factor of A - X*X'. An error
message reports when R is not a valid Cholesky factor or when the downdated
matrix is not positive definite and so does not have a Cholesky factorization.
[R1,p] = CHOLUPDATE(R,X,'-') will not return an error message. If p is 0
then R1 is the Cholesky factor of A - X*X'. If p is greater than 0, then
R1 is the Cholesky factor of the original A. If p is 1 then CHOLUPDATE failed
because the downdated matrix is not positive definite. If p is 2, CHOLUPDATE
failed because the upper triangle of R was not a valid Cholesky factor.
CHOLUPDATE works only for full matrices.
See also chol.