我已经在对您的问题的评论中分享了我的 react-router v3解决方案。
以下是我对 react-router v4 的解决方案。
import queryString from 'query-string';
import {createBrowserHistory} from 'history'
function preserveQueryParameters(history, preserve, location) {
const currentQuery = queryString.parse(history.location.search);
if (currentQuery) {
const preservedQuery = {};
for (let p of preserve) {
const v = currentQuery[p];
if (v) {
preservedQuery[p] = v;
if (location.search) {
Object.assign(preservedQuery, queryString.parse(location.search));
location.search = queryString.stringify(preservedQuery);
return location;
function createLocationDescriptorObject(location, state) {
return typeof location === 'string' ? { pathname: location, state } : location;
function createPreserveQueryHistory(createHistory, queryParameters) {
return (options) => {
const history = createHistory(options);
const oldPush = history.push, oldReplace = history.replace;
history.push = (path, state) => oldPush.apply(history, [preserveQueryParameters(history, queryParameters, createLocationDescriptorObject(path, state))]);
history.replace = (path, state) => oldReplace.apply(history, [preserveQueryParameters(history, queryParameters, createLocationDescriptorObject(path, state))]);
return history;
const history = createPreserveQueryHistory(createBrowserHistory, ['locale', 'token', 'returnTo'])();
<Router history={history}>
对于那些使用 TypeScript 的人:
import {History, LocationDescriptor, LocationDescriptorObject} from 'history'
import queryString from 'query-string'
import LocationState = History.LocationState
type CreateHistory<O, H> = (options?: O) => History & H
function preserveQueryParameters(history: History, preserve: string[], location: LocationDescriptorObject): LocationDescriptorObject {
const currentQuery = queryString.parse(history.location.search)
if (currentQuery) {
const preservedQuery: { [key: string]: unknown } = {}
for (let p of preserve) {
const v = currentQuery[p]
if (v) {
preservedQuery[p] = v
if (location.search) {
Object.assign(preservedQuery, queryString.parse(location.search))
location.search = queryString.stringify(preservedQuery)
return location
function createLocationDescriptorObject(location: LocationDescriptor, state?: LocationState): LocationDescriptorObject {
return typeof location === 'string' ? {pathname: location, state} : location
export function createPreserveQueryHistory<O, H>(createHistory: CreateHistory<O, H>,
queryParameters: string[]): CreateHistory<O, H> {
return (options?: O) => {
const history = createHistory(options)
const oldPush = history.push, oldReplace = history.replace
history.push = (path: LocationDescriptor, state?: LocationState) =>
oldPush.apply(history, [preserveQueryParameters(history, queryParameters, createLocationDescriptorObject(path, state))])
history.replace = (path: LocationDescriptor, state?: LocationState) =>
oldReplace.apply(history, [preserveQueryParameters(history, queryParameters, createLocationDescriptorObject(path, state))])
return history