使用 R 中的“bnlearn”包预测连续变量

机器算法验证 r 机器学习 预言 贝叶斯网络
2022-03-30 04:54:11

我在 R 中使用 bnlearn 包来学习我的贝叶斯网络的结构及其参数。我想要做的是在给定其他节点的值作为证据的情况下“预测”节点的值(显然,我们正在预测其值的节点除外)。


library(bnlearn)                       # Load the package in R
training.set = gaussian.test[1:4000, ] # This is training set to learn the parameters
test.set = gaussian.test[4001:4010, ]  # This is test set to give as evidence
res = hc(training.set)                 # learn BN structure on training set data 
fitted = bn.fit(res, training.set)     # learning of parameters
pred = predict(fitted$C, test.set)     # predicts the value of node C given test set
table(pred, test.set[, "C"])           # compares the predicted value as original

现在,这段代码运行良好,并给出了一个表格,您可以在其中看到节点 C 的预测值与测试集中节点 C 的原始值完全相同。


我知道,我提供的测试集的整个 df 已经包含节点 C 的值。但是如果我给出其他列的数据,它就会出错。因此,我尝试了将其他值设为 0 的替代方法。

test.set$C = 0                     # To not give the original value of node C as evidence
pred = predict(fitted$C, test.set) # predicts the value of node C given test set
table(pred, test.set[, "C"])       # compares the predicted value as original




library(bnlearn)                       # Load the package in R

training.set = gaussian.test[1:4000, ] # This is training set to learn the parameters
test.set = gaussian.test[4001:4010, ]  # This is test set to give as evidence
res = hc(training.set)                 # learn BN structure on training set data 
fitted = bn.fit(res, training.set)     # learning of parameters
pred = predict(fitted, "C", test.set)  # predicts the value of node C given test set
cbind(pred, test.set[, "C"])           # compare the actual and predicted
accuracy(f = pred, x = test.set[, "C"])


> cbind(predicted = pred, actual = test.set[, "C"])           
       predicted    actual
 [1,]  3.5749952  3.952410
 [2,]  0.7434548  1.443177
 [3,]  5.1731669  5.924198
 [4,] 10.0840800 10.296560
 [5,] 12.3966908 12.268170
 [6,]  9.1834888  9.725431
 [7,]  6.8067145  5.625797
 [8,]  9.9246630  9.597326
 [9,]  5.9426798  6.503896
[10,] 16.0056136 16.037176


> accuracy(f = pred, x = test.set[, "C"])
                ME      RMSE       MAE      MPE     MAPE
Test set 0.1538594 0.5804431 0.4812143 6.172352 11.26223

对于您提出的两个预测集(具有原始值和零),我在 R 中发现了相同的输出。

[1]  3.5749952  0.7434548  5.1731669 10.0840800 12.3966908  9.1834888  6.8067145
[8]  9.9246630  5.9426798 16.0056136

这表明 C 的值是不相关的。此外,test.set$c为您提供:

[1]  3.952410  1.443177  5.924198 10.296560 12.268170  9.725431  5.625797  9.597326
[9]  6.503896 16.037176



levels(test.set\$TARGET) <- c(level1,level2,level3...)