我知道回归模型的残差不是 iid 因此,检查它们是否正常(即使我们知道是这种情况)应该是一个问题,因为它们是依赖的。残差不是独立的,因为它们需要保持两个条件,即它们的和为 0,并且它们与 x 正交。此外,它们没有相同的分布,因为误差取决于特定的 x。
也就是说,当我对残差运行 shapiro 测试时,我发现常规残差的误差为 5%,学生化残差的误差几乎为 10%(而在这两种情况下,iid 都没有保留)。所以有人可以说,由于这些值不是独立同分布的,那么 shapiro 测试在两种情况下都应该拒绝,这意味着第一种情况的功效是 5%,学生化情况的功效是 10%。
get_lm_resid_normality_p_value <- function(fit, resid_function = MASS::stdres) {
# library(MASS)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studentized_residual
resids <- fit %>% resid_function(.)
if(length(resids) < 5000 & length(resids) > 3) {
resids %>% shapiro.test %>% glance %>% pull(p.value) %>% return
} else {
n <- 30
R <- 10000
x <- 1:n
# stdres
pv <- numeric(R)
for(i in 1:R) {
y <- x + rnorm(n)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
pv[i] <- get_lm_resid_normality_p_value(fit)
mean(pv < 0.05)
# 0.0503 # this is o.k.
# resid
pv <- numeric(R)
for(i in 1:R) {
y <- x + rnorm(n)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
pv[i] <- get_lm_resid_normality_p_value(fit, resid_function = resid)
mean(pv < 0.05)
# 0.05 # this is o.k.
# MASS::studres
pv <- numeric(R)
for(i in 1:R) {
y <- x + rnorm(n)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
pv[i] <- get_lm_resid_normality_p_value(fit, resid_function = MASS::studres)
mean(pv < 0.05)
# 0.0992 # this is NOT o.k. (!)
# a way to fix the problem is to only use half the data for building the model. But is there no more efficient way to undo the dependency structure?
pv <- numeric(R)
for(i in 1:R) {
y <- x + rnorm(n)
xx <- data.frame(x, y)
fit <- lm(y ~ x, data = xx[1:15,])
pv[i] <- shapiro.test(xx[-c(1:15),"y"] - predict(fit, newdata = xx[-c(1:15),]))$p.value
mean(pv < 0.05)
# 0.0487 # this works since the residuals of the predicted ys are i.i.d