演示:使用 JS 和 HTML Canvas Demo fiddler 调整图像大小。
您可能会找到 3 种不同的方法来调整大小,这将帮助您了解代码的工作方式以及原因。
可以在 GitHub 项目中找到演示的完整代码以及您可能希望在代码中使用的 TypeScript 方法。
export class ImageTools {
base64ResizedImage: string = null;
constructor() {
ResizeImage(base64image: string, width: number = 1080, height: number = 1080) {
let img = new Image();
img.src = base64image;
img.onload = () => {
// Check if the image require resize at all
if(img.height <= height && img.width <= width) {
this.base64ResizedImage = base64image;
// TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image
else {
// Make sure the width and height preserve the original aspect ratio and adjust if needed
if(img.height > img.width) {
width = Math.floor(height * (img.width / img.height));
else {
height = Math.floor(width * (img.height / img.width));
let resizingCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
let resizingCanvasContext = resizingCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Start with original image size
resizingCanvas.width = img.width;
resizingCanvas.height = img.height;
// Draw the original image on the (temp) resizing canvas
resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, resizingCanvas.width, resizingCanvas.height);
let curImageDimensions = {
width: Math.floor(img.width),
height: Math.floor(img.height)
let halfImageDimensions = {
width: null,
height: null
// Quickly reduce the dize by 50% each time in few iterations until the size is less then
// 2x time the target size - the motivation for it, is to reduce the aliasing that would have been
// created with direct reduction of very big image to small image
while (curImageDimensions.width * 0.5 > width) {
// Reduce the resizing canvas by half and refresh the image
halfImageDimensions.width = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.width * 0.5);
halfImageDimensions.height = Math.floor(curImageDimensions.height * 0.5);
resizingCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
0, 0, halfImageDimensions.width, halfImageDimensions.height);
curImageDimensions.width = halfImageDimensions.width;
curImageDimensions.height = halfImageDimensions.height;
// Now do final resize for the resizingCanvas to meet the dimension requirments
// directly to the output canvas, that will output the final image
let outputCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas');
let outputCanvasContext = outputCanvas.getContext("2d");
outputCanvas.width = width;
outputCanvas.height = height;
outputCanvasContext.drawImage(resizingCanvas, 0, 0, curImageDimensions.width, curImageDimensions.height,
0, 0, width, height);
// output the canvas pixels as an image. params: format, quality
this.base64ResizedImage = outputCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.85);
// TODO: Call method to do something with the resize image