如何将任意地址映射到 IDA 中相应的基本块?

逆向工程 蟒蛇 艾达
2021-07-03 04:34:46

假设我有一个任意地址,我想找出与它对应的基本块(即 area_t 结构)。我该怎么做?



我在File>Python command...对话框中快速地将它们组合在一起

tgtEA = idaapi.askaddr(0, "Enter target address")
if tgtEA is None:

f = idaapi.get_func(tgtEA)
if not f:
  print "No function at 0x%x" % (tgtEA)

fc = idaapi.FlowChart(f)

for block in fc:
  if block.startEA <= tgtEA:
    if block.endEA > tgtEA:
      print "0x%x is part of block [0x%x - 0x%x)" % (tgtEA, block.startEA, block.endEA)

请记住,IDA 的基本块地址是“startEA包含的、endEA排他的”。

正如 DCoder 所建议的,我使用以下帮助程序类来有效地将地址解析为基本块:

# Wrapper to operate on sorted basic blocks.
class BBWrapper(object):
  def __init__(self, ea, bb):
    self.ea_ = ea
    self.bb_ = bb

  def get_bb(self):
    return self.bb_

  def __lt__(self, other):
    return self.ea_ < other.ea_

# Creates a basic block cache for all basic blocks in the given function.
class BBCache(object):
  def __init__(self, f):
    self.bb_cache_ = []
    for bb in idaapi.FlowChart(f):
      self.bb_cache_.append(BBWrapper(bb.startEA, bb))
    self.bb_cache_ = sorted(self.bb_cache_)

  def find_block(self, ea):
    i = bisect_right(self.bb_cache_, BBWrapper(ea, None))
    if i:
      return self.bb_cache_[i-1].get_bb()
      return None


bb_cache = BBCache(idaapi.get_func(here()))
found = bb_cache.find_block(here())
if found:
  print "found: %X - %X" % (found.startEA, found.endEA)
  print "No basic block found that contains %X" % here()