1)你的 std::string 不是一个普通的 ascii 字符串它是一个结构(实际上是一个类)所以你不能获取地址并找到字符串
在您的特定情况下,由于您的字符串 test 的长度小于阈值,您很幸运,您可以在屏幕截图中看到它,将74 65 73 74 设为 ascii,您会注意到它是“test”
并且您的 int 看起来是可见的 尝试查看 0xa == 0n10
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
//small string will be embedded inside std::string class
// you can see 74657374 (hex for "test")
string s1{ "test" };
cout << s1 << endl;
cout << &s1 << endl;
printf("%llx\n", *(__int64 *)(&s1) );
printf("%p\n" , s1.c_str());
printf("%s\n" , s1.c_str());
cout << "\n=========================================================================\n" ;
// big string a pointer will be present to the c_str member
// you cannot see the string unless you dereference the pointer for c_str() member
string s2 { "this is a very very very very very very biggy biggy biggy stringyyyyyy" };
cout << s2 << endl;
cout << &s2 << endl;
printf("%llx\n", *(__int64 *)&s2 );
printf("%p\n" , s2.c_str());
printf("%s\n" , s2.c_str());
return getchar();
eafc0074736574 <<<< see the hex embedded
001AF7C8 << both &std::string and std::strin.c_str() are same
test << c_str()
this is a very very very very very very biggy biggy biggy stringyyyyyy
001AF7E0 &std::string
1af7f000265cf0 << address of std::string and c_str() are different
00265CF0 & string->c_str()
this is a very very very very very very biggy biggy biggy stringyyyyyy << c_str()