从每个日期开始的最后 7 天的熊猫计数值

数据挖掘 Python 熊猫
2021-09-15 15:01:13


print df1

        id        date    month  is_buy
     0  17  2015-01-16  2015-01       1
     1  17  2015-01-26  2015-01       1
     2  17  2015-01-27  2015-01       1
     3  17  2015-02-11  2015-02       1
     4  17  2015-03-14  2015-03       1
     5  18  2015-01-28  2015-01       1
     6  18  2015-02-12  2015-02       1
     7  18  2015-02-25  2015-02       1
     8  18  2015-03-04  2015-03       1


df2 = df1[df1['is_buy'] == 1].groupby(['id', 'month']).agg({'is_buy': np.sum})
print df2

        id    month       buys
     0  17  2015-01          3
     1  17  2015-02          1
     2  17  2015-03          1
     3  18  2015-01          1
     4  18  2015-02          2
     5  18  2015-03          1

df2我正在尝试在'last_week_buys'每个df1['month']. 换句话说,我想得到这个:

        id    month       buys    last_week_buys
     0  17  2015-01          3               NaN
     1  17  2015-02          1                 2
     2  17  2015-03          1                 0
     3  18  2015-01          1               NaN
     4  18  2015-02          2                 1
     5  18  2015-03          1                 1



主要障碍是确定日期是否在该月的最后 7 天内。我会推荐一些像下面这样的hacky:

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
def last7(datestr):
    orig = datetime.strptime(datestr,'%Y-%m-%d')
    plus7 = orig+timedelta(7)
    return plus7.month != orig.month


df3 = df1[df1['is_buy'] == 1 && last7(df1['date'])].groupby(['id', 'month']).agg({'is_buy': np.sum})



patterns = df [['Total','Date']]
patterns = purchase_patterns.set_index("Date")
resample = patterns.resample ('D' , how = sum)

#to extract the last items of the list

last_7 = resample[-7:]

# and to get the total
last_7 = resample[-7:].sum()
