如何在 O(|V|k^2) 中实现 Brown 聚类算法

数据挖掘 nlp 效率 聚类
2021-09-30 12:32:56


论文详细信息:Brown 等人的“基于类的自然语言 n-gram 模型”


for w = number of clusters + 1 to |V|
   word = next most frequent word in the corpus

   assign word to a new cluster 

   initialize MaxQuality to 0

   initialize ArgMax vector to (0,0)

   for i = 0 to number of clusters - 1 
      for j = i to number of clusters
         Quality = Mutual Information if we merge cluster i and cluster j

         if Quality > MaxQuality
            MaxQuality = Quality 

            ArgMax = (i,j) 


1. Before entering the second loop compute the pre-merge quality i.e. quality before doing any merges.
2. Every time a cluster-pair merge step is considered:
    i. assign quality := pre-merge quality
   ii. quality = quality - any terms in the mutual information equation that contain cluster i or cluster j (pre-merge)
  iii. quality = quality + any terms in the mutual information equation that contain (cluster i U cluster j)  (post-merge)

在我的实现中,第一个循环大约有 |V| 迭代,第二个和第三个循环每个大约 k 次迭代。计算每一步的质量需要大约进一步的 k 次迭代。总的来说,它(|V|k^3)及时运行。



我设法解决了这个问题。以下论文中对优化步骤进行了出色而彻底的解释:Percy Liang 的 Semi-Supervised Learning for Natural Language




来自Michael Collins在他关于 NLP 的 MOOC (18 - 5 - The Brown Clustering Algorithm (Part 3) (9-18))