对 OP 有类似的需求,我在整个网络上搜索了当前的解决方案。目前没有完美的解决方案,但有一些可能值得一试。
我将在这里描述两类可以满足 OP 目的的编辑器,具体取决于预期的预览类型(内联预览与内联样式)。我将不详尽地描述一些主要功能,您应该咨询网站以获取更多信息。我还选择将仅拆分窗格的编辑器(即,没有内联预览或样式)留在图片之外,因为有很多并且被 OP 明确排除在外。
请注意,我已经亲自测试了所有在 Windows 上运行的程序。
以下所有编辑器都允许您键入 Markdown 标记,并在编辑器中立即自动显示生成的样式(没有用于预览的拆分窗格)。
这有时也称为 WYSIWYG,但在这里有所不同,因为您不必使用工具栏来格式化文本:使用内联预览,您只需输入标记代码,它将动态显示结果。从某种意义上说,这与LyX为 LaTeX 开创的非常相似。
Cross-platform (Windows + MacOSX + Linux)
Inline preview
Mouse-friendly interface (easy to insert a markdown construct from menus, or by click at the beginning of the line, or by highlighting a text, options are then displayed)
Math support (LaTeX)
Sourcecode mode
Support for a lot of markdown constructs: tasks, code blocks, HTML block,
Export to HTML, PDF
Focus and typewriter modes
Table of content
Integrated search
Multi-tabs, multi-documents
Support for images, but not for embedded videos
Support for complex constructs, such as graphs, such as vega-lite, or mermaid
Basic autosave support (check File > Autosave). Currently working on a full session manager with more advanced autosave.
Basic support for attachments (either in a folder defined by user, or transparently uploaded to an online repository)
Cross-platform (Windows + MacOSX + Linux)
Inline preview (but mixing both rendered and some unrendered but dimmed down markdown formatting, eg, bold and italics)
No sourcecode mode (but there is a readability mode to highlight non-markup text content)
Full note manager, multi-tabs
Attachments support
Bibliography and citation support
Footnotes support
Tables support
Tasks support
Table of content
Mathematical equation support (LaTeX)
Lots of importing and exporting formats: HTML, PDF, DOCX, LaTeX (great for scientific collaborations!)
Code blocks with syntax highlighting
Search (and replace) function integrated
Statistics graphs
Autosave (any change is saved)
Notebook paradigm: you select a folder, and all your notes will be stored inside. It is thus easy to have multiple notebooks and switch between them.
Fully localized in lots of languages
注意:该软件最初是为科学家制作的,因此广泛支持附件、参考书目和脚注。从/到 LaTeX 和 DOCX 的广泛导入/导出是研究人员的杀手级功能,可以简化协作。最后,我们可以说它是 Zim Desktop Wiki 的 Markdown 等价物,它们的理念和功能集非常相似。
Commercial (but cheap: 19$)
Win + MacOSX
Inline preview + Presentation support too + Bibliography support + Footnotes
Math support
Can import LaTeX documents
No sourcecode mode (cannot show Markdown)
No autosave nor tabs.
No task list support.
Opensource (GPL)
Win + Mac + Linux
Inline preview + TOC navigation (Table of Content)
Math support
Only sourcecode mode (cannot hide markup, links cannot be beautified)
Actively in development (so the following issues may resolve fast)
Bug with loading external pictures under https
Cannot click on links
No [autosave](https://github.com/brrd/Abricotine/issues/17) nor [tabs](https://github.com/brrd/Abricotine/issues/10) (but issues are open, feel free to +1 or even contribute a patch if you know [Electron](http://electron.atom.io/)!)
Commercial, free during beta
Win + Mac (+ Linux in the future)
Inline preview + TOC navigation (called Outline)
Math support
Both sourcecode and no markup mode are available.
Autosave + documents recovery
Can insert an auto-updating TOC (in addition to TOC navigation)
No bibliography support (yet?) but can add "link reference" and footnotes.
Auto-reload notification when document changes.
Live preview as-you-type of mathematical equations.
No multi-documents tabs.
Win + Mac + Linux
Inline preview
Math support
No task list support
Commercial (free limited version available)
Inline preview (sourcecode mode only, cannot hide markup)
Automatic cumulative time computation from task description
OpenSource (AGPL v3)
Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Firefox, Chrome)
Inline preview
Documents manager
具有内嵌预览功能的基于 Web 的应用程序
Opensource (not released yet)
Win + Mac + Linux
Inline preview of Markdown + WYSIWYG
Opensource (not released yet)
Win + Mac + Linux
Inline preview of Markdown
Note-taking oriented (multi-documents)
Same author as Marko Editor (and same codebase)
Mix between a note taking app and a mind-mapping software, with automatic graph reorganization algorithms
Everything is stored as plain text
Zim 源代码存储库
Opensource (GPL2)
Win + Linux + Mac + BSD (runs on Python + GTK2, should be adaptable to any platform supported by GTK2)
Inline previewing (can type wiki markup code and it's styled on-the-fly) + WYSIWYG
Note-taking oriented (multi-documents)
Notes syntax and stored in hybrid DocuWiki/Markdown "lightweight" markup
Can export/copy snippet, single or all notes to standard Markdown
TOC navigation (plugin)
Very mature project (started in 2007, 9 years of development) and still active development (as of 2016)
Multi-documents tabs (with memorization of the order you opened them)
Autosaving per character (aka realtime autosaving)
Tags, pictures, can attach files alongside notes, calendar, etc.
Can copy/paste pictures from Paint or similar directly into a note (and can afterward resize) - such pictures will be stored inside your Zim notes folder
Clickable links
Remember last cursor position for every notes
LaTeX math formulas support (can be later edited by right-click)
Reorderable tables (markdown syntax) support
此外,应用程序原生包含许多插件(看看,它们都很棒,甚至可以与 GNOME 的 Zeitgeist、Lilypond 音乐表、绘制 ASCII 图表等进行交互)。以下是我的一些建议:
No Markdown support for storing the files (can only import/export to Markdown, but otherwise the notes are stored as Zim markup language). UPDATE 2020: there is now a markdown-zim bidirectional converter: [markdown2zim][33]. This can be used to migrate to/from other markdown editors.
/UPDATE 2018:要即时刷新所有标记(如粗体、斜体等),您需要在“首选项”的“编辑”面板中启用“即时重新格式化 wiki 标记”选项。
- 个人笔记:我正在使用 Zim + Typora,直到像 Abricotine 这样的东西成熟到足以用于严肃的多笔记* - 更新:我现在使用 Zim + MarkText,我可能会迁移到 Zettlr。
Collate(又名 CollateNotes)是一个带有集成 Markdown 编辑器的笔记管理器,它与 YAML 混合以存储元数据。它具有实时渲染和编辑功能。
Everything is stored on local computer.
Made with crossplatform compatibility as a requirement (Windows, Mac, Linux).
Supports syntax highlighting for most languages.
Support for Github Flavored Markdown
Clear file format specification: https://github.com/Collateapp/CollateFileFormat
Commercial software, free trial for 14 days.
以下编辑器不会提供完整的 Markdown 内联预览,但它们会提供文档的原型格式/样式。即使某些元素的样式可能不正确(或根本无法像图像一样预览),这也可以让您在一定程度上了解文档的外观。它们还都提供了一个拆分窗格或一个单独的窗口以进行完整预览。
注意:内联样式不仅仅是代码编辑器(例如 Notepad++、SublimeText、Atom 等)中的简单正则表达式,因为它们无法区分不同的标记深度(例如,所有标题级别都以相同的样式显示),因此, 它们在这里被排除在外。
Stores each note as its own .md file directly in a Writer folder at the root of SD card (ease backups)
Easy to share notes by email (either directly as the email text content, or as attachment)
Probably a sequel to [Writer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jamesmc.writer&hl=fr)
Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS)
Synchronization between devices
注意:在我看来它类似于 Writer Plus,如果我使用的是 iPhone 或 iPad,我可能会使用它。
Win + Linux
TOC navigation
Linux (+ Win in the future)
Note-taking oriented (multi-documents)
Preview when saving the document
Sourcecode/preview switching + WYSIWYG
Opensource (GPL)
Win + Mac + Linux
Inline styling/formatting
Note-taking oriented (multi-documents)
Said to be an equivalent to Quiver
Multi-documents tabs
Support for encrypted notes
Make your ownCloud (+ web editor supports inline styling)
Support for versioning
Freeware (with ads) or commercial
Seems to support inline previewing
Note-taking oriented (multi-documents)
具有内联样式/格式的基于 Web 的应用程序
Win + Android
Purports to support Markdown, but I couldn't find how
Note-taking oriented (multi-documents)
Stores in HTML by default, not Markdown