; KL 黄。霍尔森,TM;塞尔曼,JR 工业工程师。化学。水库。2003, 42, 15, 3620–3625
scihub 链接:https ://sci-hub.se/10.1021/ie030109q
我想使用我自己的细胞参数模拟硫酸氢盐通过 nafion 膜的扩散。该系统是两个 10 L 罐,由~200 微米的 Nafion 膜隔开。一个罐比另一个罐中的硫酸氢盐浓度更高,并且会通过膜发生扩散。
D = (36e-3 * 10**-4) * np.exp(-26.3e3 / (8.3144 * (273 + 31))) # m^2 / s, Diffusion Constant
A = 14e3 * 10**-4 # m^2, area of the membrane
V = 0.01 # m^3, the volume in each bath (10 L)
Cc_0 = 60e3 # ppm (unitless), the initial concentration in the cathode compartment
Cd_0 = .3 * Cc_0 # ppm, initial concentration of the anode compartment
membrane_thickness = 183e-6 # m, the thickness of the nafion membrane in meters
Vc = Vd = V # Setting the volume of each tank, tank volumes are both 10 L
L = membrane_thickness
n_x = 1e3
dx = L / n_x
fresh = np.zeros((int(n_x)+2, 1)) # added 2 to provide a mesh point for the concentrated and dilute compartments
fresh[0] = Cc_0 # initialize the concentrated compartment (eq 14b in the paper)
fresh[-1] = Cd_0 # initialize the dilute compartment (eq 14c)
def solve(n_t):
cell = fresh.copy()
kappa_c = (A * D) / Vc
kappa_d = -(A * D) / Vd
for k in range(1,n_t):
cell_iplus = np.roll(cell, -1)
cell_iminus = np.roll(cell, 1)
cell_update = cells[k-1] + ((2 * D * dt) / dx**2) * (cell_iplus + cell_iminus - 2 * cell) # eq 13a
cell_update[1] = k_partition * cell[0] # eq 14d, boundary condition 1
cell_update[-2]= k_partition * cell[-1]# eq 14e, boundary condition 2
dCm_dx = np.diff(cell, axis=0) / dx # d(Cm)/dx
dCm_dx_c = dCm_dx[1] # for eq 13b, index 1 corresponds to x=0 in the membrane
dCm_dx_d = dCm_dx[-2]# for eq 13c, index -2 corresponds to x=L in the membrane
Cc = (kappa_c * dCm_dx_c * 2 * dt) + cells[k-1][0] # eq 13b, scaler value to update the first mesh point
Cd = (kappa_d * dCm_dx_d * 2 * dt) + cells[k-1][-1]# eq 13c, scaler value to update the final mesh point
cell_update[0] = Cc
cell_update[-1]= Cd
cell = cell_update
return cells
这段代码似乎给出了合理的结果,但我不确定。问题是我的 dx 值非常小,因为 nafion 宽度在微米量级,但我想建模到 60 天。我发现我必须将 dt 的值保持在 dx 附近,否则结果会变得不稳定(我认为这就是正在发生的事情)。如果,则结果很快变为 NaN。
这是由于我的代码中的错误还是解决方案真的那么不稳定?如果我想建模到 60 天,我希望 dt 更大。该出版物称“模型方程是使用正交搭配方法和使用 Gear 方法的数值积分的组合来求解的。” 他们提供长达 50 天的建模数据。
在继续工作后,我更新了我的代码。我使用了作者的系统参数(V、A、C_0 等)来确保我可以重新创建他们的图作为检查。
我现在使用具有自适应时间步长的 Runge-Kutta。自适应时间步长似乎是关键,因为在离膜平衡很远的低时刻,dt 必须非常小,因为膜中有非常大的梯度(非常非常大)。但是随后必须允许 dt 随着扩散的发生而增加(并且减少),这样一秒以上的建模就不需要一个小时。
我通过取边界条件的时间导数合并了边界条件 1 和 2 (eqs 14d/e),因此然后我可以使用 eq 13b 更新并对 x = L 和 eq 13c 执行类似的操作
D = (36e-3 * 10**-4) * np.exp(-26.3e3 / (8.314 * (273 + 25))) # m^2 / s, Diffusion Constant
A = .001 # m^2, area of the membrane
V = 0.001 # m^3, the volume in each bath
Cc_0 = 9.606e4 # ppm (unitless), the initial concentration in the cathode compartment
Ca_0 = 0 #ppm, initial concentration of the anode compartment
membrane_thickness = 183e-6 # m, the thickness of the nafion membrane in meters
Vc = Va = V # Setting volume of each tank, tank volumes are both 1 L
C_c = Cc_0 # Scaling constant for concentration in the concentrated tank set to inital concentration
Ca_c = C_c * (Vc / Va) # scaling constant for concentration in the dilute tank
k_partition = .23
def f(mesh, dx_, x_c = 1, t_c = 1): #f = dCi / dt at each mesh point, performs calculations for membrane and both tanks
# x_c and t_c are scaling constants to make equations dimensionless, default is 1 (not scaled)
kappa_13b = (A * D * t_c)/(Vc * x_c)
kappa_13c = -(A * D * t_c)/(Va * x_c)
kappa_13a = ( D * t_c ) / x_c**2
dCm_dx = np.gradient(mesh[padding:-padding], dx_, axis = 0) # for eq 13b/c, only use the membrane region in the gradient
dx0_ = dCm_dx[0] # for eq 13b. dCm/dx at x = 0. A scaler value
dxl_ = dCm_dx[-1] #for eq 13c. dCm/dx at x = L. A scaler value
# for eq 13a
mesh_plus = np.roll(mesh, -1) # gives mesh value at (x + 1) for each mesh point. A vector
mesh_minus = np.roll(mesh, 1) # gives mesh value at (x - 1) for each mesh point. A vector
# The first and last entry of mesh_plus and mesh_minus are invalid values. But are not used in eq 13a, so no error.
second_deriv = ((mesh_plus+mesh_minus - (2*mesh)) / dx_**2)[1:-1] # for eq 13a. use entire mesh to calculate second derivative, keep only membrane region
# The first and last values of the 2nd derivative within the membrane region are incorrect because they use values from the tanks during their calculation
# However, these two values will be replaced with boundary conditions so no error
#put calculations together to form the RHS of eqns 13a, 13b, and 13c. A single vector is returned
fun = np.empty(mesh.shape) # the return mesh which will contain dCi/dt at each mesh point
# f(t,x) for the cathode tank
fun[:padding] = kappa_13b * dx0_ # eq 13b, f = dC/dt for the cathode tank (concentrated tank)
#f(t,x) for the membrane region
fun[padding:-padding] = kappa_13a * second_deriv # eq 13a, f = dC/dt to update interior of membrane
#f(t,x) for the anode tank
fun[-padding:] = kappa_13c * dxl_ # eq 13c, f = dC/dt for the anode tank (dilute tank)
# Boundary Conditions
# f(t,x) = dC/dt at x = 0 and x = L set by the boundary conditions BC1 and BC2 from the paper
fun[padding] = k_partition * kappa_13b * dx0_ # time derivative of BC1 (eq 14d) gives dCm/dt = k_partition * dCc/dt at x=0
fun[-(padding+1)] = k_partition * kappa_13c * dxl_ # time derivative of BC2 (eq 14e) gives dCm/dt = k_partition * dCa/dt at x=L
return fun
def rk4_step(f, mesh, dx_, dt_, x_c, t_c):
k1 = dt_ * f(mesh, dx_, x_c, t_c)
k2 = dt_ * f(mesh + .5*k1, dx_, x_c, t_c)
k3 = dt_ * f(mesh + .5*k2, dx_, x_c, t_c)
k4 = dt_ * f(mesh + k3, dx_, x_c, t_c)
return (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6
def solver(mesh, T, dt, dx, t_c=1, x_c=1, target_accuracy = 1e-5):
cell = mesh.copy()
# t_c and x_c are scaling constants
# default scaling constant is 1 (no scaling)
dt_ = dt / t_c
dx_ = dx / x_c
T_ = T / t_c
t_ = 0
cells = [(t_c*t_, t_c*dt_, cell)] # (current time, timestep for stepping to next point, cell state)
while t_ < T_:
# adaptive timestep method
# first test_step starts at t and steps twice using dt_ to get to test_step_1
single_step = cell + rk4_step(f, cell, dx_, dt_, x_c, t_c)
test_step_1 = single_step + rk4_step(f, single_step, dx_, dt_, x_c, t_c)
# second test_step starts at t and steps once using 2*dt_ to get to test_step_2
test_step_2 = cell + rk4_step(f, cell, dx_, 2*dt_, x_c, t_c)
difference = np.abs(test_step_2 - test_step_1) # a vector of differences for each mesh point
largest_diff = np.max(difference) # want to look at the worst discrepency between the two test steps
if largest_diff != 0: # if largest_diff == 0, then dt_ does not need to be updated
rho = (30 * dt_ * target_accuracy) / largest_diff # ratio of target accuracy and actual accuracy
if rho > 1: # accuracy is better at every mesh point than required, keep data and update dt_ to a larger step size
t_ = t_ + dt_
dt_ = np.power(rho, .25) * dt_ # calculate correct time step based on desired accuracy using the worst rho value
#dt_ = min(dt_calc, 2*dt_) # do no allow the new dt_ be more than twice the original dt_
if rho < 1: # dt_ was too large for target accuracy, calculate step again using new dt_
single_step = cell + rk4_step(f, cell, dx_, dt_, x_c, t_c)
t_ = t_+dt_
t_ = t_ + dt_
new_cell = single_step
cells.append((t_c*t_, t_c*dt_, new_cell))
cell = new_cell
return cells
这是我用来实现和使用上述代码的 jupyter 单元:
x_c = membrane_thickness# scaling constant for position
t_c = np.power(x_c, 2) / D # scaling constant for time
membrane_mesh_size = 15 # found to strongly affect the solving time
dx = membrane_thickness / membrane_mesh_size
dt = 1e-12 # starting timestep, the adaptive timestep in the solver will correct this to a more appropriate value
padding = 1 # the number of extra mesh points padding the start and end of the membrane mesh
# holds values for the tanks
n_x =int( membrane_mesh_size + 2*padding)
fresh = np.zeros((n_x, 1))
fresh[:padding] = Cc_0 #/ C_c # pad mesh points set to tank starting concentration
fresh[-padding:]= Ca_0 #/ Ca_c# terminal pad mesh points set to anode tank starting concentration
fresh[padding] = k_partition * fresh[0] # starting membrane conditions at x=0
fresh[-(padding + 1)] = k_partition * fresh[-1] # starting membrane conditions at x=L
hours = 24 * 5
T = hours * 3600
t_c = x_c = 1
%time _ = solver(fresh, T, 1e-6, dx, t_c, x_c, target_accuracy=1e-6)
使用此代码,我可以复制出版物中的图 4。
稀释罐中硫酸氢盐的比例:浓。我建模的坦克与他们得到的比率一致,所以我对我的代码感觉很好。我认为我实现自适应时间步长的方式可能存在错误,我认为我可以加快速度。在没有缩放常数 (x_c = t_c = 1) 的情况下,在我的机器上模拟 5 天的扩散需要 9 分钟。